Chapter Fourteen

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*Amelia POV*
It took Jennie about 3 hours for her to finish getting me ready for the ball.

She chose a beautiful dress that was midnight blue with crystals along the waistline, she made my makeup look really natural and pretty before curling my hair and slotting a small tiara into my hair.

"Done!" Jennie smiled at me as she turned me around so I could look at myself in the mirror.

I was amazed at how good a job she did. I looked completely different then normal because I never wear makeup and my hair is always either in a ponytail or a messy bun but I looked...beautiful for once in my life.

Without realising I was smiling at my reflection in the mirror "Thank you Jennie!" I beamed widely.

"Your welcome. I'm a master at making girls look beautiful for a ball" she boasted while flicking her hair off her shoulder. "Now let's get going!"

I chuckled at her silliness and just nodded before she took my hand and lead me out of the room.

I stepped out of my room to see Jungkook stood opposite the door to my room.

As soon as he saw me, he grinned "Are you ready?".

"Yeah but why are you here?" I replied.

"Ah, I've been asked to present you to everyone. Jimin-hyung wanted to do it but he was refused by the queen which made him sulk" he chuckled.

As soon as he said that I giggled, picturing Jimin with a pout and being moody. It was a cute thought in my mind...

"So Amelia, I'll see you later, I'll go tell the queen your here" Jennie smiled before hurrying towards the ballroom, leaving me with Jungkook.

"Are you ready to meet your birth eomma?" He asked.

"I suppose...I'm just nervous" I replied, sighing to myself at the thought of lots of people staring at me.

"You'll be okay. Just be yourself" he grinned while giving me a thumbs up.

"Okay" I laughed at his weirdness.

Once me and Jungkook reached the doors to the ballroom, they opened to reveal a huge crowd of people and a beautiful woman stood at the front of them all.

I immediately felt everyone's eyes on me and Jungkook, making me slightly shy and nervous.

I felt one gaze in particular which turned out to be Jimin's.

He was glaring at me and Jungkook, well more like glaring at Jungkook who was holding my hand as he guided me forward, into the hall.

Jungkook noticed Jimin's glare though and let go of my hand to link arms with me.

I slowly made my way to the front where the woman was standing holding out her hand for me.

Jungkook let go of my arm and ushered me to go to her.

I slowly made my way next to her, feeling everyone's eyes stare at me. I was so nervous, what if everyone hated me and wouldn't accept me into their world as the new "princess".

I was soon relaxed as I saw the woman look at me with soft eyes. She was so beautiful, she had such a kind looking face and smile while she looked at me with fondness.

Once stood next to her I looked out to the crowd of people to see Jimin and the rest of the boys stood at the back of the room while Jennie stood with them. I giggled slightly as I saw Jimin scolding Jungkook and Jennie was just giving them a glare.

*Jimin POV*
I was so annoyed with Jungkook. I guess I'm jealous but still...he held the princesses hand and arm like she was his!

She looked so beautiful, I guess I wanted her all to myself.

While my thoughts wandered off to the Princess, mid-way through scolding Jungkook, the rest of the guys thought it would be a good idea to tease me but we was all suddenly interupted as the queen spoke out...

"Thank you all for coming tonight. I would like to introduce you all to the lost Princess, my daughter, Amelia" she smiled while looking at Amelia's slightly pink and shy face.

"A-annyeonghaseyo" Amelia spoke softly while slightly bowing.

I couldn't help but stare at her while everyone else clapped. The way her dress made her look so fragile and beautiful. The way her curled hair was sitting gently on her milky coloured shoulders and the way her doe-like eyes fluttered as she spoke out. Everything made my heart skip a beat. She was just...beautiful...inside and out.

She then caught me staring at her making both of us flustered and embarrassed.

*Amelia POV*
What the heck...why was Jimin staring? Do I look bad or something? Jeez the things he does to me...

I was soon interupted from my thoughts of Jimin as I felt the Queen gently pulling me into a hug.

"I'm so happy your here Amelia. How have you been?" She whispered softly.

"I've been okay I guess...I thought you hated me since I'm part demon and that's why you gave me up..." I then felt my eyes start to well up.

She slowly broke the hug to look at my face and smiled "I would never hate you, no matter if your both demon and angel. Besides that's not why I gave you up. I'll tell you everything another time"

I just nodded before a single tear left my eye and she pulled me back into a hug "I love you, my beautiful daughter" she said softly while patting my back.

"I-I love you too...eomma" I sniffled making the Queen shocked before she felt tears also fill up her eyes.

We stayed in that hug for about 2 minutes, it was such a nice feeling to know that I was hugging my birth eomma for the first time. Even though she did give me up to my adoption family, I still love her, she will have her reasons as to why I didn't stay here.

"Now go on, go and interact with everyone. I can see someone in particular wants to talk to you" she grinned while tilting her head towards Jimin who was staring into space in our direction.

He soon snapped out of his daydream as he catches me staring directly at him. I shyly lowered my eyes away and rubbed the back of my neck in embarrassment.

I couldn't help but smile slightly at the thought of being caught by him. He looked so handsome in his palace uniform that I could help but stare at him.

Before I knew it, the Queen pushed me slightly towards the direction he was stood making me stumble a little, thankfully I didn't fall onto the floor.

I soon stood up straight and made my way over to where Jimin was stood but I ended up getting my shoe caught in the front of my dress, making me stumble again but instead of onto the floor I fell into...Yoongi's arms.

"G-gomawo" I say embarrassed.

"It's okay" he replied, helping me stand up. Listen, can we talk?"

"Umm..yeah sure"

"Well...I'm sorry" he looks at me apologetically, making me confused.

"Wait what...why?" My eyebrows creased together in confusion.

"Well...I used to think that you would turn out to be like your appa, the Demon king, but now I know your not like that so I'm sorry" he bows to me.

"'s okay. Don't worry" I held his shoulders to make him face me "I forgive you" I smiled at him making him show his gummy smile.

"I best go, I've got sword practice tonight" he turns his back to me before saying "and for the record, I think you'll make a good Princess" he slightly turns to wave before leaving.

I waved at his back, slightly smiling until I felt someone grab my wrist.

"J-Jimin?" I was flustered and embarrassed.

I saw how he looked angry until he harshly spoke out. "Come with me" he then slightly tightens his hold around my wrist and drags me outside, onto the balcony.

I was so worried...he looked so angry with me...

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