Chapeter Ten

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*Amelia POV* 
"YOU DID WHAT??!!" Rosé shouted so loud.

I immediately covered her mouth as people were staring at us "SHHHHH! People are staring!!"

She shoved my hand away "Okay, Okay! Just explain it to me again, I'm still confused"

Once again for like the 10th time I explained everything about me accidentally kissing Jimin and everything about my real parents and who I am.

"Omo. I finally get it. So let me get something straight, your an angel princess and you kissed Jimin? Omo this is so cool!!!"

I nodded, blushing after she talked about my kiss with Jimin "Yes, but you have to promise not to tell anyone okay? Not even your parents"

"Okay I promise!" She smiled

At that moment, I saw Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung come into the classroom laughing. I was staring at Jimin. He looked so happy and cute.

Me and Jungkook made eye contact and he nudged Jimin, smirked at him and pointed at me.

As Jimin turned to look at where he was pointing, our eyes met. We immediately looked away with red faces.

Rosé noticed I was blushing so she looked behind her and saw Jimin and the boys. She turned back to me, smirked at me and said really loudly so everyone could hear...


My head snapped back to her, giving her a death glare.

She took that as a sign to shut up and not embarass Jimin anymore then he already was.

I let out a long sigh and put my head on the table. It's been a week since the kiss I had with Jimin. It's been so awkward around him.

*Jimin POV*
My heart was beating so fast. I still can't believe that I kissed her. I must admit she did take my first kiss but I dont know about her. Even though it was accident I enjoyed it. I wish I could tell her how I feel. However she's been avoiding me recently so I don't know what to do.

I wonder if she's coping with the whole wings thing.

*Next day, in the school corridor*
*Amelia POV*
I was walking down the corridor to get to my locker until I heard a commotion going on further down the corridor.

I realized it was near my locker and went to go have a look.

I reached my locker and what I saw in front of me, stopped my heart from beating.


I saw Jihyo and her girls standing infront of my locker. They all had a death glare on their faces. Jihyo noticed my presence and shouted really loudly.


Everyone immediately turned to me. I froze in my place, frightened.

"Well. Look what we have here girls. An girl who claims she is and angel and she is royalty." Jihyo walked up to me, smirking. I was so frozen with no hope of moving anytime soon.

How the hell did she find out??

She stopped right in front of me and whispered "You can thank Rosé, she's the one who told me. Damn she couldn't keep her mouth shut" a huge smile appeared on her face now.

My heart stopped beating.

What? Rosé told her?

Tears immediately filled my eyes but before I could do anything I was pushed to the floor facing the ground.

Jihyo sat on me before saying "How about we find out if you actually have wings or not shall we?? Tzuyu pass me the knife" she smiled all innocent looking.

Before I could say something, I felt my hoodie being pulled of me and my shirt being cut on the back so now my bare skin is showing, along with my bra.

Before I could scream for help I blacked out as I felt someone kick my head...

Angels-PJM FFWhere stories live. Discover now