Chapter Five

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*Jimin POV*
Just someone tell me, why am I so attracted to her?

I was quickly disturbed from my thoughts when Jungkook said to me "Hyung! Snap out of it? Did you hear us? What are you staring at?"

I felt my face turn red and hot so I looked down at the table to try and hide my embarrassment and shyness.

"Wait Jiminie...Do you like the Princess? I caught you staring at her" Namjoon hyung asked me and I felt my face turning even more red and hot.

I mumbled very quietly "No hyung, I don't even know her well" I said, flustered and embarrassed.

All of them started smirking and teasing me.

"Then why has your face gone red, and why were you staring at her?" Yoongi hyung asked, with a look of disgust on his face.

I froze in my place. "I-I don't know okay?! Let's drop it." I let out a long sigh before glancing at Amelia again and then looking back at the table.

"Okay well, shall we start talking about our plan on how we will approach her?" Tae asked us all.

"Well actually, I was thinking...I don't think we have to plan anything. It's not like she is some sort of game or something right?" Jin hyung said to us while laughing.

As soon as he said that, we all started laughing as well as we realized how we were planning to only go and talk to her and become closer with her.

The fact that we realized we were planning just so we can tell her everything made us laugh even more.

The coffee shop door bell rang and we looked up and saw a girl wonder into the shop and head to the counter to order something.

"Rosé!" Amelia shouted and the girl went up to her and sat across from her.

*Amelia POV*
While staring out of the window, I heard the door bell of the coffee shop ring, so I glanced towards the door and saw Rosé walking into the coffee shop.

'Finally she's here!' you thought. Once you saw that she had paid for her coffee, you could see that she was looking for you like a lost puppy.

"Rosé!" I shouted and she turned to me and smiled once she saw me. She came and sat in the chair in front of me.

"Hiya! Sorry I'm really late, I ran into Jihyo on the way here and she wanted to talk for a bit" she smiled.

I froze as soon as I heard that name...

"Oh what did you talk about?" I asked her while feeling frightened of what she will say.

"Oh we were just gossiping really, about a bunch of stuff. Oh also she was asking if you were okay because she saw you leave while looking upset earlier"

Once Rosé said that I immediately began to feel frightened and angry. Rosé doesn't know about my bruises on my face and my body since I covered them with a bit of concealer to hide them in the toilet stall at school.

See the thing is Rosé thinks me and Jihyo are good friends so she won't believe me if I tell her that Jihyo is bullying me.

"Oh I see" I replied while keeping my head down. "Well why did you want to meet here anyways?" I asked her.

"Oh well I wanted to ask you for some advice. I'm starting to have a crush on Sehun but I don't know what to do, like I don't know whether I want to like him or not since he is popular and I aren't" she whined.

I let out a long sigh. This is what always happens. Rosé has had 35 crushes in the space of 2 years. Yet she always asks me for advice even though she knows I've never had a boyfriend since I'm too shy.

"Well, I don't know, I guess just be yourself. Maybe see if he likes you too?" I said, unsure of what to say.

"Yeah okay, thanks Amelia!" She gave me a huge smile and a finger heart.

30 minutes passed of me and Rosé just gossiping about boys and stuff.

"Amelia, look" I followed her gaze where she was looking and saw 6 boys staring at me.

As soon as they realised that I had caught them staring at me, they all turned away quickly while blushing and keeping their heads down. I giggled at how cute it was and just turned back to Rosé.

"It looks like you have some admires Amelia!" As soon as Rosé said that I looked at her and saw her raising her eyebrows and smirking at me.

"Yeah I guess so" I smiled shyly and lowered my head.

*Yoongi POV*
I looked at all of the guys and saw their faces all down and as red as tomatoes since they were caught staring at Amelia.

"Guys you can look up now, she is talking to her friend." They all looked up and nodded in unison.

We all started talking about back home and wondering how the Queen and everyone was.

"I wonder if the Demon King has given up on trying to get the princess' power" Jungkook sighed.

"I don't know but I don't care because I hate him!" I replied, my voice full of anger.

They all agreed with me and started talking again. I glanced at Jimin to see that he was staring at the princess again and then looking away quickly while blushing.

I honestly do think that Jimin likes her but one thing is for sure I don't really like her because of what her Dad did to the Queen.

I know I shouldn't blame her but I don't trust her. Who knows, she could turn out like her dad...

*Amelia POV*
Me and Rosé ended up talking and gossiping about alot of stuff when Rosé's phone started ringing.

She glanced at me and I gestured her to answer it. She excused herself and walked away from the table.

After about 2 minutes of her talking on the phone she came running back to the table and said

"I'm very sorry Amelia! I have to go, my sister Seulgi has gotten into an accident, I'll see you soon at school"

And with that she charged out of the coffee shop and ran down the street. Since she already left, I couldn't say anything.

I decided to text her:

Amelia: I hope your sister is okay❤️

I put my phone away in my purse after I sent her that, and stood up while picking up my purse. I looked at the time to see that it was 6:30pm. I decided that I should go since my bus is going to be here in about 5 minutes.

I walked to the door and said thank you to the employee behind the counter. She smiled at me before continuing with her work.

While leaving the coffee shop, I felt someone staring at me but I shrugged it off for now.

Waiting for the bus at the bus stop a thought came into my head, 'Who were those boys staring at me?'.

I was in deep thought and then I realised that the bus was here so I quickly got on it, paid the driver and sat on the back seat. I rested my head on the window as I started getting a bad headache.

After about a 15 minute journey I reached my house and walked in.

"Eomma, I'm going straight to bed, I don't feel well" I shouted to her while taking off my shoes.

My eomma came up to me as I walked into the living room to go upstairs and she said "Are you sure you don't want to eat? What's wrong?"

I let out a little sigh. "I'm fine eomma, I just have a bad headache, I will be fine if I sleep it off".

I gave her a hug and she kissed my forehead "Alright, goodnight Amelia".

I headed upstairs after saying goodnight to everyone and went into my bathroom to do my night routine.

After showering and stuff I put on comfy, oversized clothes and got into my bed, snuggling into the duvet. My head was hurting so bad as I was trying to think who them boys were, and where I had seen them before.

After about 10 minutes of thinking I drifted off to sleep...

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