Chapter Seven

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*Amelia POV*
After class ended I quickly gathered my things and stood up wanting to go to the canteen. Unfortunately I was stopped by a very familiar voice.

"Well then bi*ch! Explain yourself!" She said glaring at me.

I froze in my place "W-what do you mean?" I was so afraid of her that my whole body trembled.

"BI*CH LOOK AT ME WHEN IM TALKING TO YOU!" She harshly turned me around to face her and slapped my cheek making my head fling to the side.

I touched my cheek that was now stinging really bad while tears welled up in my eyes.

She continued "Your nothing but pathetic. Why would the new guys even be interested in you? Not even your real parents care about you." She smirked.

Maybe she was right though, I never got anything from my birth parents on my birthdays and at Christmas.

Maybe they didn't care after all...

"Awe look Jihyo! She's crying! How pathetic!" Tzuyu almost shouted so the rest of the class could hear.

Everyone in the class started laughing and Jihyo and Tzuyu joined in. They were all laughing at my weak, pathetic state. I was so embarrassed.

*Meanwhile, Jungkook POV*
Me and hyungs came back from eating to the classroom being filled with laughter.

We quickly came into the classroom to see Amelia crying and being slapped multiple times by Jihyo.

Me and my hyungs quickly acted and went towards the princess who was crying so hard while looking really embarrassed.

Jihyo was about to slap her again until I stopped her by holding onto her wrist. She turned to me with wide eyes and then started to act all innocent.

"Oh hi oppa! Are you here to laugh at Amelia as well?" And the classroom started laughing again.

"Hyungs take Amelia out of here to the nurses office" I said sternly, Jimin and Taehyung nodded, taking Amelia out of the classroom and to the nurses office.

Once they were gone I immediately let all my anger go "You really are pathetic." I laughed heartlessly.

Everyone apart from Jihyo and her group went back to what they were doing.

Jihyo was staring at me with wide eyes "Oppa? Why are you sticking up for a tramp like her? Even her birth parents gave her up because she's pathetic." She sniggered.

After she said that I was beyond annoyed and yelled in her face "Maybe because people like you don't know what real love is."

And with that I left the classroom and headed to the nurses office.

*In the nurses office, Amelia POV*

I flinched as Jimin asked me that while him and Taehyung treated my red and scratched cheeks.

"Why didn't you stand up for yourself?" He continued.

"Jimin's right Amelia, no one should have to endure the verbal abuse she was giving you." Taehyung said while gently treating my right cheek.

Suddenly the door flung open and in came Jungkook who looked really worried. "Are you alright?" I slowly nodded with my head down low.

"Listen, we will always protect you no matter what so you can tell us anything okay?" Jungkook said softly while patting my head.

After he said that I couldn't help but to let my tears flow. All of them immediately began to panic and looked at me worried at the sight of my tears slowly rolling down from my eyes.

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