Chapter Eighteen

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*Amelia POV*
This is it...I need to know the truth.

I pushed the door open slowly revealing my birth eomma laid in her bed, weak and sick.

"Eomma..." I softly called out to her before stepping into the room as she glanced at me before collapsing back into bed.

Immediately I rushed to her side and knelt next to the bed her fragile body was laid on. She locked eyes with me as she smiled gently at me.

"What is it, my daughter?" She continued to smile even though I could see the pain she was going through in her eyes.

As if on cue I burst into tears, gripping onto her hand, my head resting against the mattress of the soft, cosy bed "I'm sorry eomma. I'm so sorry" my sobs were uncontrollable as I repeated those words over and over again.

She just stared at me, shocked until she slowly sat up and squeezed my hand back " learnt about it?" Her gaze travelled to Jimin and the rest of the boys who soon left the room with Rosé, bowing as an apology for evesdropping.

"Yes I did, I'm sorry eomma" I repeated again.

She then used her warm fingers to lift my chin up to face her "Amelia...this is not your fault. Shall I explain everything to you?" Her voice was soft and gentle.

I just nodded while wiping away my tears to face her properly. She let out a long sigh before she stood up from the bed and gazed out of the bedroom window.

"It was the day I became queen...we threw a massive party and we invited the neighboring kingdom, the Demon kingdom. At the time we was good friends even though we were complete opposites..." She sighed deeply before continuing "that night was the night I met your appa, he was charming and cute at the time so I fell in love with him straight away. But he wore a fake persona, he was secretly a nasty man who I had fallen for" she turned back around to face me as I too was now stood up.

"A few days later, he appeared again still using the same fake persona as tried to lure me into having a child with him. I had refused after learning his true personality..." She paused and tears came up into her eyes as she approached me and gently caressed my cheek "he then forced himself onto me and I then found out a few weeks later that I was pregnant. I was told to abort the baby but it felt wrong to abort the baby...especially since I was blessed with a beautiful baby girl" tears then fell from her brown eyes as she continued to stare at me while stroking my cheek. Tears then began to fill up my eyes as well as she pulled me into a hug stroking my head.

"I was willing to take the risk of pregnancy if it meant I would be blessed with a daughter like you, even if it meant that I would become terminally ill."

She then smiled at me as she released our hug, tears streaming from her eyes "and I'm so glad that I didn't choose to abort the baby girl that I was able to give life to" she sighed again and pulled me back into a tight hug.

Tears continued to fall as she finished what she had to say. I was so unaware of all of this. I didn't know that she had to go through all of this. However a question still lingered in my head...

"But eomma, why was I sent to Earth?" I said quietly.

"It was the only way I was able to keep you safe. The Demon king, no your appa, wanted to find you and kill you unless I was willing to give you to him since he wanted an heir...he wanted you all to himself so that he could do whatever he wanted" she said softly in my ear as she continued to stroke my hair "However after I started becoming really ill, I knew I had to bring you back here so that I could see you once again..."

She paused again before continuing "I'm not going to last for much longer so my wish is that you take over for me...I want you to rule this kingdom and live a happy life" she breathed out.

Immediately I let go of the hug and stared at her "Me? Rule? You must be joking! I can't even walk straight without falling over!" I laughed nervously while scratching the back of my neck.

She laughed weakly before speaking "Please's my one wish" she looked rather weak and dizzy before she collapsed to the floor.

"Eomma!" I shook her shoulders slightly and helped her stand back up, guiding her to the bed as I stared at her fragile body now laying lifelessly on the mattress. "Eomma, isn't there anything I can do?" I pleaded as I looked into her eyes.

"Just please...grant my wish for me" she smiled.

I nodded before hearing a knock on the door, I turned my head "One minute" I spoke out before my gaze travelled back to my birth eomma, her eyes closed.

Shock rose in me instantly as I tried waking her up "Eomma!!" I shook her body rather violently, seeing no reaction made tears fell from my eyes immediately "Eomma!!! Please wake up!!" I sobbed onto her body as I heard the door slam open revealing Jimin and the rest of the guys.

I looked up and saw their shocked faces "Eomma...she won't wake up" my voice was shaky and my sobs wouldn't stop.

Jimin rushed to my side and helped me stand up, pulling me into a tight hug. "Hey, shh don't worry, I'm here" he tried his best to calm me down but it just didn't work.

" eomma, I didn't even get to speak to her for long..." I breathed out in-between my cries.

"Hey...shh, it's okay. I'm here for you" he patted my head just letting me cry into his shoulder.

I stayed there for a whole 3 hours, until I eventually stopped and fell asleep on Jimin shoulder, my last thoughts being about my eomma's wish...I will grant that wish for her.

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