Chapter Twelve

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*Amelia POV*

I stared at the unconscious bodies laid infront of me...

Then I realised that my hand was burnt from the black stuff but then it slowly started healing itself.

I started to panic.

"WHAT THE HECK?!" I screamed at the top of my lungs attracting more people to the scene.

To my surprise I felt a pair of hands pulling on my left hand. I turned around to see Jimin with a worried look on his face and he started running down the hall, pulling me with him.

While we was running down the hall I noticed that there was lots of kids staring at me with wide eyes as I ran past.

Once we was outside of the grounds of my school, Jimin stopped running and we both stood trying to catch our breath.

Realisation hit me like a bullet from a gun as I realised that I had hurt Rosé and Jihyo. For some reason the guilt was rising within me and my eyes started welling up.

*Jimin POV*

I turned to face the Princess and saw her with tears flowing down her face.

She looked up at me with eyes that sparkled like a thousand stars from her tears. Suddenly she ran towards me and engulfed me in a hug.

"What happened? Why wasn't I able to control it?" She was sobbing uncontrollably.

I gently patted her head which was rested on my shoulder.

"Hey, shhh, it's alright, that's the first time that has happened so of course you won't be able to control it" I said in a gentle, comforting voice.

I lifted her head off my shoulder so she was facing me and gave her a reasuring smile.

"It will be okay". She started sobbing even more so I hugged her so tight that I though I would make her explode.

Then a thought came to me that made me realise the situation. Because of everything that has happened in front of all her classmates, we need to leave. We need to leave and return to the Angel Kingdom.

"Hey Amelia, listen..."

She looked at me, her sobbing had stopped but her face was stained with tears. I wiped them all away from her face and looked at her deeply in her eyes.

"We need to leave. Like I mean leave the Earth, we need to go back to your home, the Angel Kingdom..."

She gawked at me. Surprised and shocked.

"Go back home? Does that mean I'll see my birth eomma?"

I nodded and she went silent. The only I could hear was our breathing and my heart going crazy because of the close proximity between us both.

"But...what about my adoption eomma and appa?"

I wasn't sure how to answer her....I guess she needs to know....

"About that...they knew from the start. They've always known about your powers and who you are and what you are..."

*Amelia POV*

This hit me like a ton of bricks.

....they knew all along?

"My adoption eomma and appa knew all this time? Even my adoption oppa and unnie?" Tears filled my eyes again and the confusion filled my head as well as the feeling of betrayal.

He gave me a small nod while looking at me with sympathy.

I couldn't take anymore, my adoption family have all been lying to me? Who else is lying to me? First Rosé, then my adoption family. Is Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook all lying to me as well?

I blinked my tears away and glanced at Jimin who still looked sympathetic.

"Okay. I'll go back with you but I want to go talk to my adoption family before we go" I said with sadness and a little bit if anger within me.

Jimin nodded and gently took my hand and squeezed it tight. With that our wings appeared and we both left the ground, gaining altitude and speed as we celebrate through the pastel coloured sky.

*At Amelias adoption house*

*Still Amelia's POV*

Me and Jimin slowly landed onto the ground infront of my house. Once I was fully on the ground again, mine and Jimin's wings disappeared completely.

I nervously walked up the garden path and knocked on the front door anxiously.


I turned to face Jimin who was midway through his sentence.

"I'm going to go tell the other guys about everything and that your coming back with us to the Angel Kingdom. I also need to let the Queen know your returning...okay?" He looked in my eyes concerned.

I nodded at him and smiled slightly, "Okay, I guess I'll see you soon".

He walked toward me and gave me a small kiss on my cheek which made us both go a shade of red.

"S-see you soon" he smiled awkwardly and with that he took off from the ground and sped away through the sky.

I heard the front door behind me open to reveal my adoption unnie with a big smile on her face.

"Anneyong! How was school?"

I just ignored her and walked inside the house, took my shoes off and put them near the front door gently and made my way towards the living room where I found my adoption eomma, appa, oppa and my unnie who came shortly after me with a concerned look on her face.

"I need to talk to all of you.. "

"Yes honey? What is it?" my appa grinned at me.

Here we go Amelia, just ask them, tell them everything...

" know Rosé? Well it turns out she was never my friend in the first place and she was actually best friends with this girl who has been bullying me since last year..."

They all gawked at me....I continued telling them.

"Today I found out Rosé was never my friend and I lost it. I got really upset and angry which made me release my powers.."

Their faces all turned shocked and they all looked away.

"I've known about me being an Angel for a bit now. I was told that you all knew what I was and who I really am. Why didn't you tell me?"

Finally. I told them everything. I let all my anger and sadness out.

"Well....we wanted to tell you last year for your birthday about who you really are but we thought you wouldn't be ready for us to tell you. We were the going to tell you next year for your birthday" my adoption eomma said gently but I could see the guilt on her face.

"I see...well because I lost it today Rosé and some other kids at school saw my powers so I have to leave. And I mean go to my home. The place I was born, the Angle Kingdom..." Tears filled my eyes.

I started sobbing in the place I was stood. "Thank you so much for everything, thank you for taking me in, thank you for feeding me and giving me a home. Thank you so much".

I was suddenly engulfed in a hug. My adoption family all hugged me tightly.

"Your welcome, even if your not related to us, we will still love you as our own, you will still be part of our family" my appa said gently.

"You should go home because I'm sure your birth parents will surely want to see you" my eomma smiled.

I nodded and smiled back.

Then we all stood there hugging. I'm going to miss Earth but I want to see my home town. I want to see the place i was born. I enjoyed the feeling of hugging my adoption family for one last time.

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