Chapter Seventeen

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*Jimin POV*
"Say goodbye to your prescious kingdom" she smirked and started fighting with Jungkook and Taehyung. I immediately calmed my mind so that I could concentrate on my magic.

"I don't want to do this to you Amelia...but I have to, I have no choice" I whispered to myself.

Why does doing this hurt so much? I don't want to do this...I love her too much.

While I focused on my magic, I was unaware of her suddenly sprinting towards me, a demon look present in her eyes as she came closer.

"Hyung!" Jungkook yelled and I opened my eyes to be met with a stinging pain in my side. I looked down to see the sword that Amelia had in her hands stabbed into my side.

Blood stained my shirt as I fell to the ground in pain.

Yoongi hyung immediately glared at Amelia and raised his hand as he shooted his magic at her making her drop to the floor.

"Hyung! What have you done?!" I yelled at him causing him to look shocked.

"She stabbed you! What else was I supposed to do?" He yelled back in annoyance.

"Yah, calm down you two. Jimin-ah you can't talk much or you'll lose more blood" Jin hyung took control of the situation.

Jungkook and Taehyung laid me down onto the cold floor and put slight pressure against the wound causing me to groan in pain.

"Aish...careful" I winced as they continued to press against my side.

It hurt so much, I didn't think she would do this to me...ever.

"Jimin-ah!" Namjoon pointed towards Amelia who was now sat up in a daze as her eyes landed on me laid on the floor bleeding out from my side.

She rushed to my side as she saw the blood oozing out from my wound and knelt next to me, clutching onto my hand.

"W-what happened?!" She was concerned as her brown orbs stared into mine.

"You...that's what happened" Taehyung replied to her.

Her eyebrows crashed together in confusion and she tilted her head as she thought about Taehyung's response.

"W-what...?" She asked.

*Amelia POV*
My eyes opened to be met with a collapsed ceiling, rubble all around me. The last thing that I remembered was me stood in that machine that I was strapped in and my magic was drained as well as brainwashed.

Namjoon soon noticed me as I sat up and called for Jimin. My eyes landed on his body that was laid on the floor while a pool of blood was around him.

Immediately I got up and knelt next to him, tightly holding onto his hand.

"W-what happened?!" My eyes were full of worry and concern.

"You...that's what happened" Taehyung answered me while he glared at me a little.

"W-what...?" I asked confused.

"You stabbed Jimin and now he's losing a lot of blood because of you!" Jungkook yelled at me.

"Yah, Jungkook, don't tell at her, it's not her fault" Jimin held onto Jungkooks arm and smiled at me "Right?".

Tears started running from my eyes and staining my cheeks. One tear landed on Jimin's face as I knelt over him making him shocked.

"Please don't cry" his voice was soft and warm as he spoke out.

"B-but..." I sobbed. "What happened? Why did I do this?".

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