Chapter Four

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*Amelia's POV*
The bus driver stopped outside the coffee shop and I stood up from my seat. I grabbed my purse and phone, thanked the driver and got off the bus, watching as the bus drove away down the street.

Once I could no longer see it, I went inside the coffee shop. I didn't see Rosé yet so I ordered a coffee and sat at table next to the window.

I put my earphones in and listened to some music again.

I just stared out of the window while listening to the gentle melody and thinking about what my vision meant earlier. I really was confused on what it meant.

I suddenly felt a slight tap on my left shoulder, so I turned around, looking at the person.

"Mark-oppa?!" I took out my earphones, jumped up from my seat and gave him a big, tight hug.

"Hi Amelia! How you doing?" He grinned at me.

"I'm fine thanks for asking! What about you?" I said while hugging him tightly. I was so happy to see him.

"I'm good too thanks" he slowly broke the hug and we both sat down with him sitting opposite me.

*Mark's POV*
I can't help but stare at her. Amelia, what do I do? Why have you made me fall for you for years? I still feel really guilty for leaving her behind just so I can debut. It's been years since I last saw her.

*Amelia POV*
I felt him staring at me intensely so I had to break the silence.

"So what are you doing here Mark-oppa?"

"Me? Oh I'm waiting for my members to arrive since we're going shopping" he smiled while fiddling with his hair.

See this is what it's always like, he never does stuff with me anymore, I don't blame him though, I probably wouldn't want to talk to me if I was him.

"What about you Amelia?" He asked me, gazing into my eyes.

"Oh erm.... I'm just waiting for Rosé. How are all the members by the way?" I replied, a little flustered at his gaze.

A smile appeared on his face and he broke the eye contact. "They are doing great, but they are still really crazy..."

Mark-oppa is in an idol group called Got7. I used to do everything with him when we were little, but because he debuted when we were 16, he got really busy with his members so I haven't been able to talk to him properly for 3 years.

I guess being an idol changed him, he looks so different and handsome now. We were really close when we were kids, up to the point where we would have confessed to each other if he didn't debut.

Once he did debut I got over him and I don't want my crush to come back.

We told each other everything apart from the fact that we loved each other when we were kids. He was the only person that I trusted most, he really was special to me.

We both just stared at each other until the coffee shop door opened and I saw all his members waking into the coffee shop.

"Speak of the devil's, and they shall
appear" he joked.

I giggled and he just smiled at me.

"I best go now Amelia. I'll speak to you soon" we both stood up and he gave me a really tight hug and a small kiss on my forehead, leaving me a bit stunned.

"B-bye oppa, stay safe and well!"I waved at him as he walked out of the shop and he waved back.

Once they were gone, I let out a big sigh, sat back down in my seat and put my earphones back in, staring out of the window again while listening to music again.

Mark has changed and he probably doesn't want to be seen with me ever again.

*Taehyung POV*
All of us were not really sure how we would come up with an idea to break the important news to Amelia...

We all stepped into the coffee shop and ordered 7 coffees, all of them different. After we ordered we went to a table near the windows with 8 seats around it.

I glanced at Jimin and he looked super shocked.
"Jimin? What is it?"

He pointed in the direction of the windows and I followed his gaze. Once I saw what he was looking at I froze aswell.

Namjoon hyung noticed us both shocked and frozen. "What is it you two? What you looking at?" Namjoon hyung asked us but we didn't move.

All of them followed our gazes and we all froze.

"OMO! Is that the Princess?" Hobi hyung asked.

"Yeah that's her alright" Jungkook replied to him.

We didn't know what to do, she hadn't noticed us yet. We're going to have to keep a low profile, we can't let her see us yet, she won't understand her situation!

We all turned to Namjoon hyung panicking and he said to us all "Just keep your head down and speak in quiet voices"

"Okay" we all said in unison carefully sitting down at the table.

*Jimin POV*
My heart was racing so much. Hyung said to us to keep our heads down but I couldn't help but to stare at her. Why am I so attracted to her? I don't even know her properly yet! All I know is that she is the queen's daughter and she is so beautiful. Just someone tell me, why am I so attracted to her?...

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