Chapter Sixteen

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*Demon world, Amelia POV*
I woke up to a very dark room that I'm unfamiliar with.

I looked all around me and realised that I was chained to a wall in the dark room. I looked down at my dress that Jennie picked out for the ball. It was all ripped and dirty.

As I tried to get out of the handcuffs attached to the chains, a sudden loud slam of the door scared me.

I then saw a huge figure walk into the room and turn on all of the lights, revealing his face. I also saw that there was already several men in the room, stood all around the sides of room.

"If I was you I would stop. It will only make things worse for you" the man's voice was deep and creepy.

He walked up to me, bent down to my level and stared at my face. "So...your my daughter?" He smirked.

I looked at him confused. That's when it clicked in my head.

"Your the demon king!!" I yelled at him.

"Yes that's right, now in order for me to do that we will need to execute a few crucial things, my daughter" he glared at me.

"What the hell are you talking about?! I'm not your daughter!" I kicked him in between his legs causing him to drop down fully onto the floor in pain.

"YAH! YOU BITCH!" He slapped me hard on my face, leaving a red mark. He then stood up and walked away towards the door. "Prepare her for the magic drain/ brainwash" his voice sounded very irritated.

"Yes sir!" One of the men in the room bowed to him as the door shut. The man then turned to look at me with a stern face.

He came closer to me and took out a small pocket knife and held it against my neck. "Come with me now or I will 'accidently' cut your throat".

Before I could even reply he suddenly hit my head causing me to black out again.

*30 minutes later, still Amelia POV*
I woke up again and I was stood inside a machine with a glass door.

I then look down at my body to see it strapped against the back wall of the machine, unable to move.

A loud voice soon made me jump as I looked through the glass door of this machine and saw the Demon king stood in front of a huge computer panel.

"Begin" he says simply while keeping eye contact with me. His stare sending shivers down my body.

Almost immediately a blue light lit up the machine and I started feeling drousy.

I then remembered that earlier he said something about taking my magic and brainwashing me.

While I continued to struggle to escape the machine, I started feeling even more tired as I lost all my energy and stopped struggling.

My mind then went blank and I couldn't think of anything. My body was now under the control of the demon king.

*Demon king POV*
"It is done sir" one of my slaves stated.

"Well done, bring her out" I smirked.

"Yes sir" he then walked towards the machine, unlocked the door and untied Amelia from the machine.

"Daughter, come here" she soon followed my command and walked toward me with dull eyes, all of her mind now in my control.

"Would you like to help me, my daughter" I raised her chin to see her now empty looking eyes.

She nodded and smirked as I handed her a bunch of clothes.

"Go and get changed and then we will leave to kill everyone in the Angel kingdom" I smirked as she nodded and walked out of the room.

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