Chapter Two

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*Jungkook POV*
"Well? What did she want Jungkook?" They all asked me with questioning looks on their faces.

"Well...we need to go to the human world..." As soon as I said that they all gasped.

"Omo! Why?" Hoseok hyung asked.

"Well remember when the Queen told us that she gave up her daughter to the humans, to keep her safe from the Demon King? Well since she will be turning 19 in two years time, and her powers and wings will come back, the Queen wants us to go to the human world, find her, and bring her back" I sighed.

"So..." We all turned to Yoongi Hyung and he continued "So let me get this straight, the Queen wants us to go to the human world, find her lost daughter and bring her back here?"

I was slightly confused "Yes that's what I said. Why hyung?"

He looked really hesitant to answer me "It doesn't matter, you won't believe me if I tell you anyway."

Now I was really confused but I just brushed it off. "Okay hyung...?"

"So when we going? Did the Queen say a specific time?" Jin hyung asked.

"Well she said to me that she would like us to go as soon as possible"

"Alright then, let's get packing...." Jimin hyung patted my back and we went back to our rooms.

*Time skip to later that day*
*Queen POV*
"Alright your majesty, we best go now" Jungkook smiled at me.

I still felt really bad for leaving this to the boys since they already have a lot to deal with here in the Angel Kingdom.

"Alright Jungkook. Namjoon I'm putting you in charge" I smiled and Namjoon turned to me with shocked eyes.

"Yes your majesty!" All the boys looked at Namjoon who was smiling widely at the fact that I had given him the job of being in charge of the boys.

"Now remember boys, don't talk to her until she is 20 since she won't understand her situation. Also try to fit into the human world before she turns 19 and don't tell her everything, alright? I know it's alot for you all but you have my faith and I know you will do well" I smiled at them brightly and they smiled back.

"Yes your majesty, we will do our best, we will see you in a few years, take care of yourself okay?" Jungkook said to me.

"Yes I will, you take care aswell, be safe" I opened my arms for them to hug me. After the hug they stepped into the circle for them to teleport to Earth. After 5 seconds they all disappear.

I quietly said to myself "Be safe, Angel kingdom warriors."

*BTS on Earth*
*Jimin POV*
"So this is what Earth looks like?" Taehyung said while looking around amazed.

"Tae focus, we need to get to work right away!" Namjoon scolded.

"Oh right, sorry hyung" Taehyung looked really apologetic.

"Okay so let's have a look around to try and find her." Jungkook announced.

"Wait guys, we could just use my power, right?" We all looked at Taehyung who was looking back at us.

"I guess he's right Jungkook, Tae tell us about her" I said to him.

"Okay Jimin hyung, well she has blonde hair and blue eyes. She is very small and petite and very shy."

"Alright thanks Taehyung." Jungkook smiled.

Suddenly Taehyung began to list all of the qualities and characteristics of the princess. He then suggested we follow him since he knew where her house was.

We all followed him to a clearing where we saw multiple houses lines up. In front of one of them, a young girl was playing with an older boy. I have to admit it did make me a little jealous.

My thoughts were interrupted abruptly by Yoongi "Guys snap out of it, you all creepy if you just stare at her!"

My heart was beating so fast. Why am I like this? Why?...

*Flashback over*
*Jimin POV still*
"Right, let's get going" Namjoon said to us all and we all followed the princess to school.

I wasn't sure what the word "bullying" meant but I guess there's only one way to find out.

*Amelia's POV*
I really am dreading going to school today...who knows what will happen to me. I reached the school gates and saw my best friend Rosé waiting for me.

"Rosé!" I shouted and she immediately turned to me.

"Amelia!" We ran to each other and gave each other a big hug before walking in the school to our lockers.

"So how have you been? Did you go to the sleep therapist like your family said to?" She asked worried.

I glanced at her. "No, I haven't because I'm sure it will go away soon" I gave her a big smile but she still looked hesitant.

"Okay Amelia, whatever you say. Listen I've got to go see Mr Kim about something, I'll see you at dinner okay?"

"Okay bye!" We waved at each other until she was gone around the corner. I turned back to my locker only to have it slammed in my face.

"Well, if it isn't the pathetic little b*tch Amelia!" I knew who it was from the moment that she spoke.

It was Jihyo and her little group but I couldn't be bothered with her, so I ignored her and went in my locker again.

"Hey b*tch! I'm talking to you!" With that she grabbed my hair harshly and threw me to the floor. I tried to stand back up but they all started kicking me all over my body. After 10 minutes of them kicking me,they stopped and walked away while laughing.

I ran to the nearest restroom, looked in the mirror and saw the damage they had done to me. My lip and nose was bleeding badly, my hair was a mess, my face was covered with bruises and my eyes were full of tears.

I turned around to the stall behind me, quickly going in and I cried silently to myself. I really do hate my life sometimes...

*Jungkook POV*
We followed her into the school and saw that her friend had left her.

After her friend left her a group of girls went up to her and one of them grabbed her hair and threw her to the floor. Straight after they all started kicking her.

At this point I was so pi**ed off and by the look on my hyungs faces, they were too. After 10 minutes they stopped and walked off laughing. We saw how her fragile petite body was covered with blood and bruises.

Once she got up she ran to the restroom. Now we know what she meant when she said to herself that she is being "bullied".

"Guys we need to help her" I told the hyungs and they all looked at me.

"What?" They all said in unison.

"We need to tell her everything and take her home before things get worse"... I sighed while running my hands across my face, thinking to myself...

How the heck are we supposed to tell her?

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