Chapter Nineteen

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*Amelia POV*
I watched as the guys carried my birth eomma's coffin to the burial place as Jennie just comforted me while I was silently crying.

"I didn't even get to spend much time with her" I spoke out, my voice shaky and a lump forming in my throat.

"I know. It was her only wish for you to be happy so please do as you please to be happy" she smiled as she wiped away my tears "obviously within reason" she chuckled slightly.

I just smiled a little as I nodded and my eyes focused back onto the coffin that was being covered over with the soil, the silver gravestone engraved with my birth eomma's name.

I just loosely hung to Jennie's arm while the guys finished covering over the coffin, my strength leaving my body as my tired eyes filled with constant tears.

*6 hours later, still Amelia POV*
I laid in my soft, warm bed, my body unwilling to co-operate with me. My tired eyes unwilling to close as the thoughts of my birth eomma and everything that had happened earlier that day continued to circle around in my mind.

I was then startled as I heard the door open, light streaming into the room. As I sat up, a familiar figure made its way next to me.

"I figured you wouldn't be able to sleep" his voice was soft but deep as he rubbed his tired puffy eyes.

"I'm fine Jimin" I tried to sound reassuring but I don't think it worked as he moved the covers and laid down next to me, pulling me into his warm embrace.

"I will stay with you tonight" he whispered while stroking my hair gently.

"But-" he interupted me.

"I'm not moving. I'm going to stay with you" he hugged me tightly enough so that I was unable to move anywhere.

I just nodded into his chest as I could hear his slow heartbeat. He continued to stroke my hair softly, my eyes slowly closing as I relaxed in his strong arms, tiredness finally embracing my body.

Before I knew it I fell fast asleep, lightly snoring making Jimin chuckle a little.

*Jimin POV*
After I was certain that she was asleep, I sat up a little staring at her now relaxed face as she snored lightly in her slumber.

I leaned forward to kiss her forehead as I continued to hold her close to me. That night I made a promise with myself. A promise that I would always protect her, no matter what.

After all, she's my princess.

Before I knew it, I had fallen asleep myself, my hold around her never loosening.

*2 weeks later, Amelia POV*
Today is the day that I become Queen. After I woke up next to Jimin that day, Jennie told me that I was expected to become Queen. So here I am now, Jennie doing my makeup, curling my hair and choosing a corronation dress for me.

"All done!" She grinned at me.

I stared back at my reflection as she stood next to me, hoping for me to like her work.

"Thank you Jennie, I look beautiful" I smiled back at her.

"I told you before, I'm a master at beauty and fashion" she smirked triumphantly.

I just giggled at her childishness. After applying the last few details to my look, I convinced myself that I was ready, even though one question continued to linger in my thoughts.

"Jennie...what if I do a bad job or the people don't like me?" I turned to look at her.

"That won't happen, we already love you as our ruler. And I already love you as my best friend" she then hugged me tightly. "Don't worry, I'm sure Jimin will help you" she whispered into my ear.

My eyes went wide at her statement "Jimin? Helping me?" I questioned her as she just nodded.

"Now come on, were going to be late at this rate" she released the hug and grabbed my hand gently.

She lead me to the ballroom, thousands of faces staring back at me as Jennie opened the doors for me.

I was then motioned to walk towards the front as the faces of everyone continued to stare at me. Some judgemental and some staring, wanting me to be a good leader.

As I reached the front and sat down in the thrown, my eyes landed on the dainty tiara next to me.

A man dressed in robes picked up the tiara and hovered it over my head.

"Do you, Amelia, solemnly swear to protect and govern this kingdom no matter the cost of your life?" He asked.

I stared forward as my gaze locked with Jimin who just smiled at me, waiting to hear my answer.

"I solemnly swear to protect and govern this kingdom" I replied in a confident voice.

"Then I announce miss Amelia, Queen of the Angel kingdom" the man smiled and placed the tiara on my head gently.

I stood up from the throne while everyone clapped and cheered. Me and Jimin locked gazes again and we both smiled widely at each other.

Before I knew it, Jimin had walked to the front and was now standing next to me while he stared at my face.

He then bowed ninety degrees to me "What can I do for my queen?" He grinned.

"Oh shut up, I'm still the same person" I giggled as my hands made their way to his waist and pulled him in for a hug.

He went shocked but then hugged me back, burying his head in my neck. "You look beautiful by the way" he whispered, blushing.

"T-thanks" I blushed a shade of red, while his breathing on my neck was making me feel all sorts of weird feelings.

He then released the hug to look at my face. Before I knew it, his lips were softly touching mine, making me smile like an idiot.

The kiss lasted for much longer then our first official kiss but it was still gentle. It was almost as if he was trying to express his feelings for me through a kiss.

I hung my arms around his neck as he rested his hands on my waist, never breaking the kiss.

I could hear everyone in the room cheering and clapping as they saw us both share a kiss. I pulled away feeling embarrassed as I hid my face in his chest.

"Does this mean I can become your king?" He chuckled slightly.

I just nodded into his chest, feeling too embarrassed to look at him. He giggled at my embarrassed sight, feeling his face turn pink as well.

So this is my life now? I have a lot of responsibility. I'm in charge of looking after these people now. I wonder if I'll do a good job. Well regardless I have Jimin by my side and he's all I need.

I will make sure to cherish him and love him all my life.


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