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(Y/N) Pov

Today is my first day back to Kaisei high and I am a little excited. Summer had dragged and all my friends had been on family vacations while I stayed behind. I jumped out of my bed and dashed to my closet to get out a school uniform (at top). I practically ran to my bathroom that was on the opposite side of the hall from my room and got ready. After I finished getting dressed I brushed my (H/l) (h/c) and left it down. I then run back to my room and grab some socks and school bag and run down stairs where I'm greeted with my overly happy mom. "good morning (y/n), breakfast is ready then your father can drop you off at school since your running a bit behind." she said with a closed eyed smile. "Thanks mom and sorry about not waking up." I said returning the smile. 

After devouring my mom's cooking which is extremely good I put my long black socks on and head to the door where my father was getting the keys from the hook. I slip on my shoes and dash out the door and jump in the car. "It seems your excited to head back to school."My father says with his eye on the road. "Yeah I am, only two more years to go and then I'm finished with school. Plus I get to see my friends today and find out if we have any classes together." I said excitedly.

Once we arrived I got out of the car exchanging goodbye's with my dad and ran inside so I wouldn't be late on my first day of school. Once inside I head to my homeroom to get my schedule, but when I get there only one of my friends were there.She has collarbone length hazelnut brown hair pulled into two pigtails and a big grin on her face.I quickly grab a seat next to her and we talk for the remainder of homeroom.

My homeroom sensei walks in the door to the classroom and begins her lecture before handing everyone their schedules for the semester. "Alright before we get school officially started I want to welcome every one of you back to Kaisei high. now when I call your name please come forward to get your schedule." she informed everyone in the class. After calling most of the students she calls me then my friend, Mitski. Once we both got our schedules we looked over and noticed the only classes we shared this term was math and art. We both cheered silently that we had art together but couldn't care less with the math course.

After a thirty minute homeroom, the bell rang releasing all the students to head to their first periods of the day. Both Mitski and I sadly said our goodbye's till we got to art which was after our lunch luckily and went our separate ways. I went to my English 2 class which was a bore without my closest friend there, but we probably wouldn't get anything done being close together in a boring class. When I walked in the door the sensei told us that we were allowed to sit where ever we wanted since it was the first day.

Throughout the day I had been kinda bored since there wasn't anything fun, I don't really know why I got my hopes up for a day that had anything to do with school, but I was determined to make better grades than last year. The whole year was awful, I only got to the next grade since I was barely passing or in other words, borderline. I looked over at the clock above the entry way of the classroom periodically hoping the excruciating class would end quickly.

The bell rang after a full hour and a half then switch I over to the next class, chemistry. During the day my mind wasn't fully focused on any assignments, it was focused on seeing my friend who had gone on a family vacation during the whole summer. During lunch break I had been searching for her in the cafeteria and eventually found her by the windows by herself. "Hey, waiting for someone important?" I asked starling her. "Oh my god!! don't do that ever again!! you know exactly who I was waiting for." she told me. "Ok, ok. I know that, so how was your classes hmm." I asked with a wide grin knowing what she was going to say. "You know class is boring without you, I don't know anyone so it's kind of awkward for me." she said with a stern face.

"Right, I know-" she quickly cut me off. "More importantly are you going to try this year or are you going to make borderline again." she said teasingly. I gave her a crazy look even though she was right. I have already spaced out in both classes and it's only the first day of school. "Yes, for your information. I am going to try this year but I don't know how well math will turn out, you know I'm bad at it." we both jumped to the sound of the bell going off for the usual switch, just this time we walk to class together since we had art.

We arrived at class and all that was set up when we got there were stools set in front of big easels with a big white canvas. Mitski and I looked at each other and we both grinned from ear to ear. Neither of us had to try in this class since we had practice and looked as if we were professional artists when we drew. We both took our seats next to each other and class began when everyone got there. Today was free painting day and we were using watercolour paints since that's what we work with best. During the whole class, I had lost myself in the painting and the bell abruptly caught me off guard.

My last class of the day was math or better described as 'actual hell.' When we both arrived in class the sensei told us we were allowed to choose our own seats then we would switch it up one month in the term. When everyone arrived there was one boy that stuck out above all the rest to me. He had a light shade of pink hair, wore a white jacket with black stripes on the arms and a black and pink heart for a design on the front, he also wore a black beanie. He caught my eye and no one else. He must have noticed me staring since we had eye contact for a few minutes. He had this aura around him that made most girls fall head over heels for him since every girl in the class had big heart eyes for him.

During class I couldn't focus, no big deal I do this all the time but this time it wasn't the usual thoughts I had, My thoughts were going to the strange boy that had crazy colored hair and completely disregarded the dress code. The sensei noticed that I wasn't paying attention and told me to stay after class, 'Bummer' I thought to myself and I heard mitski laugh from behind me at the same time.

~~time skip after class~~

After the sensei let me go from a long lecture, I walked outside and noticed that mitski was waiting by the school gate. I run up to her and she blurts out, "Well looks like you still haven't learned how to make it look like you're paying attention." She laughed at me and I just held a straight face slightly punching her arm. "Oh hush, you don't pay attention as much as me." "Yes, you're right but I don't get caught." she retorted. We then gave each other a big hug and went to our own homes. 

When I walked through the door I was greeted by my mom. I told her I had homework and that I would be down in time for dinner. So I went to my room that was upstairs to my room and started my homework even though I wanted to burn it. After a long brutal hour I was finally done and wanted to pass out but instead went to my bathroom across the hall to wash my face. I head back to my room and check my phone for any notifications but sadly nothing. 'she must have gone home and crashed or she's eating everything in her house' I thought to myself with a smile on my face. I noticed that the time was 7:25 so I tossed my phone on my bed and dashed down stairs.

I helped my mom set the table and my dad came through the door on Que. We all ate dinner and I went upstairs to get ready for bed. I went into my room and grabbed (fav pj's) and went to the bathroom to take a shower for bed. Once I finished my shower I went to my room and got on my phone and started to read a few fan fiction's and decided I needed to get an early start. When I went to turn my light out and lay down I couldn't fall asleep, I just kept thinking of that boy that barely made it to class on time.


Hope you like the first chapter... yes I know it's a little slow but I'm gonna pick the story up soon just go with it... Thank you for reading be sure to comment and vote!!!!! New chapter up soon... Big thanks to Mitski_21 for the help in starting this book!!!

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