~Chapter 1: The Beginning~

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Hi Guys, nice to meet you here again in the first chapter of my story
In this 1st chapter, it is just a flashback before yukino and Kagura goes to fairy tail after that it goes on so enjoy..........................
Befor the girls (lucy, levy, mira, kinana) and romeo arrive at Master Makarov's office
-In fairy tail guild second floor-
Master P.O.V.
When I was working, there was then a knock on a door and I said "Come in"
When the visitor came in, I was surprised to see Yukino and Kagura here. Not to mention they were exhausted and I was snapped out of my thoughts when Yukino then said "Master, it's already dragon slaying mating season" My eyes widden at that word and then sediously said "What's that have to do with you in Here?"Then Kagura said "Didn't you have dragon slayers here right" At that question I nodded and then she continued "The dragon slayers mating season concerns about the dragon slayers and mates" My eyes then widdened at the word mates and then this time Yukino spoke "We got here to send the mates of the dragon slayers to a safe place with us and also got here to give you a tip either you want to chain them or let them do what they want" I did not have time to answer because Kagura then said "It is said that if lock the dragon slayers from their mates they will start a war with the ones who locked them" And then my jaw dropped to the ground and then I said "Knowing this guild it worries for its nakama but also knowing them they won't hurt anyone without a reason" Then Yukino said "In the season, their inner dragon takes over the body and becomes protective of their mates" I then sighed and asked "How did you know about dragon slaying mating season?" Yukino and Kagura look at each other and turns their heads to me and said in together "Actually we are mates of the Twin Dragon Slayers Duo" I blink many times and then made jaw dropped again in the ground and finally asked "Who is Sting's mate?" Yukino raised her hand and was surprised and said " So that means Kagura is Rogue's mate" At this kagura nodded. I sighed. And then asked "Can you tell me what hapenned in Sabertooth and before you came here then Yukino explained

- In Sabertooth guild-
Yukino P.O.V
After chatting with the other girls, I have'nt seen Sting-sama and Rogue-sama lately so I went to sting-sama's office and was about knock but I heard some talking inside so I decided to eavesdrop his conversation to someone
-In the office-
Sting P.O.V
I was starting to change because I know that dragon mating season is already coming
Then someone spoke "You think you can refuse your inner dragon Sting?"
I answered "Rogue?"
Then Rogue came out of the shadows and I growl at his actions
"Sting, maybe we should let the guild lock us so that we won't hurt our mates" he said
"What? Did you know that in the book we shouldn't lock away from our mates plus we would have a war at the one who lock us? The guild?" I exclaimed
He then remembered the things that his dragon said to him, 'he is so dumb' I thought
He then asked "When will the dragon slaying mating season begin and end"
'He really is stupid to forget what skiadrum told him' I thought
I answered "It will happen after tomorrow and end in 3 weeks"
He then shouted "Ehhhh!!!!"
I covered my ears because he is gonna destroy my ears
I sighed and said "You are really stupid"
After saying that, I saw his expression blank
"Hello??" I said to get his attention
He then snapped out of his thoughts and looks at me seriously
"What?"I said getting irritated by his look
" Maybe we should tell our situation to the guild right now" he said seriously
After thinking, I snifted the air and made an eye contact with rogue and we both nodded
"Yukino, I know you're their in the door"I said

Yukino P.O.V
'What should I do'I thought without noticing that the door is already opened. I snapped out of my thoughts and look them and then I bowed down my head "I'm sorry Sting-sama and Rogue-sama" I exclaimed
After a few seconds of bowing my head, I heard laughing and chuckling.
I look up to see them laughing
After standing there with a blank expression, it snapped me out of it when Sting-sama seriously asked "Did you heard everything yukino?"
I then nodded my head, then he said "I'm sorry yukino but can you help us explain it to the guild?"
And I nodded after that we went out of the office to tell the guild
-5 minutes later-
After explaining and answering each of their questions, I can't help but think and feel attracted to Sting-sama and I snapped out of it and looks at sting-sama and blushed
'Maybe I like Sting-sama'I thought and blushed and went into reality when Minerva-sama asked "So who is your mate Sting?" The guild then became curious about it. Then Sting-sama said nervously " It's.........yu---yukinoaguria" 'Did I hear my name or maybe not'I thought then Minerva-sama said "Speak slowly Sting" I look at Sting-sama who is already blushing
But then Rogue-sama laugh and said "Sting said his mate is Yukino" And then some of the guild members gasp and many had blank expression including me
"Eh??!!!" said the guild after processing well except me because I was still blank
Sting-sama then shook me and then I become to blush and he speak "I'm sorry yukino" and walks back to rogue-sama
Orga-sama asked "How about rogue's mate?"
I look up to see rogue-sama blushing
Then Sting-sama smirked at his reaction and said "It's Kagura"
"Ehhhh!!??" said the guild also me
Everyone snapped out of their thoughts when Rufus-sama said "Maybe we should lock up Sting and Rogue"
Some were saying "why?"
Sting-sama and Rogue-sama said "We're sorry guys to say this but if the dragon slayers are locked away from their mates they will start a war with who locked them"
Some gasps and Minerva-sama asked "Do you think you could hurt the guild sting and eogue also you Sting as the guild master?" Some of the guild members agreed with Minerva-sama especially me
Sting-sama then said "If we are in control, we would not be able to hurt you, but in the dragon slaying season our inner dragons take over our body and becomes protective with our mates plus we can't resist it"
People then frowned at this. Then Rufus-sama, Orga-sama and Minerva- sama said in unison "Don't forget we have stronger members here" Some of the guild members stood up with them. Then Sting-sama and Rogue-sama started to tear up but erase it and then said with determination"Then lock us already because you don't have time to lock tomorrow and put yukino in some safe place plus contact kagura" Some the guild members then started to guidd me to safe place and some calling a messenger to mermaid heel to inform kagura-sama to come with me in a safe place. Rufus-sama and Orga-sama started to chain Sting-sama and Rogue-sama in the basement and I went to my room to rest. After sleeping, I heard a knock from my door to see Kagura-sama with Minerva-sama and plus frosch and lector-sama. Lector-sama started to run up to me crying and I comforted him while kagura-sama sit down on a chair with frosch-sama on her lap and Minerva-sama sat down next to me. Lector-sama said "Ne, Yukino, Do you think Sting-kun will be safe?" I then answered "Hai, Lector-sama" and then continued to cry until later he is already asleep.
I began to think about fairy tail and their dragon slayers 'I think lucy-sama would safe somewhere' and sighed. Kagura-sama noticed this and asked me " Are you ok yukino?" And I answered "I'm fine but I began to think about fairy tail and their dragon slayers in there" Minerva-sama then shoot up from her chair and said " Oh yeah I forgot to tell them but maybe we should do it tomorrow" Kagura-sama and Me nodded. I said "Maybe we should research some information about daragon slaying mating" Then Kagura-sama said " We should go the library now " Minerva-sama then said " I will come with you too" Then we headed to the library
-2 hours later (after going to library)-
After we went to the library, we went to go home and sleep also kagura-sama is gonna stay at my apartment and minerva-sama

-The next day-
We went to the guild and after arriving there. We heard a noise downstairs. And then Rufus-sama and Orga-sama went up to me, kagura-sama and minerva-sama then Rufus-sama said " Their eye colors have change and attitude also" and then Orga-sama said "It's not safe here anymore maybe you should go to fairy tail and warn them" After they said that I look at Kagura-sama and we both nodded and then said in unison "We will go there already and Minerva/Minerva-sama stay here with them...At first Minerva-sama protested but agreed and said " Be safe" But then a guild member ran up to us and said "They broke the chains and cracked the runes" And then Minerva-sama push us to the guild doors. Me and Kagura-sama quickly ran to train station to go to fairy tail

End of Flashback

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