~Chapter 9: Kinabra~

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Kinana P.O.V
When the other girls and romeo were going back to their rooms, only me and eric was left alone in the living room. 'Why is the atmosphere around so nervous?' 'I'm so nervous' 'Eric and me will do it' I thought then eric chuckled and said "Kinana, did you forgot that I can hear your thoughts?" Then I blushed really hard. Then he asked "Is it your first time?" I nodded.
He said "It's okay it will be done soon"
I stood up and said "Ho-how about we should go to our room right now?" He chuckled, stood up and said "No need to be nervous then we went to our room. While walking past to many rooms, we heard some moaning which made my face turned red. When we arrive inside, I said " I will take a bath first" After saying that I dashed towards the bathroom.
While I was washing my body, I heard someone entering and saw eric. I was about cover my body, then eric pinned me over the bathroom's door, he then said "I'm already excited" Then he bit my shoulder. After he bit me, I gasped at what I saw, it was beautiful. The mark was snake that was surrounded by purple and lavender color. Then eric asked me "Ne, Kinana, Do you love me?" I kissed him. After that, I look at his face blank. I chuckled at this. He asked me "Should I take your kiss as yes?" I nodded. He said "I love you too" as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck and said "Your question a while ago already made me think that you love me, baka" Then we kissed. He carried me to our king-sized bed.

Normal P.O.V
In the room, could be heard moaning.......😂😂😂

Eric P.O.V
When we were done, I whispered to her ear "You are always mine" Then she chuckled "Possessive, aren't we?" and we both cuddled to each other to sleep soundly.

Do you like it? Be awaited for the next chapter 10:Rowen which only include kissing so no need to to worry. Vote and comment...😂😂

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