~Chapter 3: Locked and escape~

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Lucy P.O.V
After meeting natsu's eyes, I felt fear but then I returned to reality when Yukino and Mira grabbed both of my arms and goes back to master's office to hide.

(Before the dragon slayers appeared in the guild halls)
Natsu P.O.V
After following them outside, I started to sniff the air, and 3 familiar scents caught my nose. I then saw Sting, Rogue and Cobra. I turned back to reality when laxus then started to say "Guys, I heard that its already dragon slayers mating season" I was confuse and asked "What is that?"
I was then smacked in the head by gajeel. I was then irritated and said "What did you do Metal freak?"
Then he said "Oy, salamander, you know what you are stupid than i thought" Then this time sting said "It's where we dragon slayers find our mates" Then, i started to remember what igneel said to me and then i said "Ah!! that" Then this time gajeel asked "Who is are your Mates?" as he point at all of the dragon slayers.
"Mira" said laxus
"Yukino" said sting
"Kagura" said rogue
"Kinana" said cobra
"Levy" said metal freak
Then, everyone started to turn to me, waiting for me to reply and i just shrugged my shoulders and said "I don't know" As i said that, laxus then smacked me and asked "You don't know?"
I nodded then he sighed and said "I think it's blondie" I asked "Blondie?"
Then sting said "It's lucy-san" And i was shocked to hear luce name. Then, i started to feel a pain in my chest then kneeled in the ground. I saw everyone doing the same thing. Then laxus stated "It's starting" After he said that I blacked out.

Third Person P.O.V
After the dragon slayers blacked out, they started to get up one by one but they change. Then sting said "Need Yukino" and then laxus said "Everyone, let's make a den for us and for our mates, after let's go back to get our mates." Everyone nodded and went make a hideout or a den.
-After 1 hour-
They went back and went to the guild.

End of the flashback

Then I heard growls as master said "Everyone, help us protect Lucy,Mira,Levy,Kinana,Yukino and kagura and also romeo from them"

After master said that, everyone in fairy tail except Gildarts, and Master charged towards the dragon slayers. But as expected, I saw already everyone on the ground,unconscious except Erza,Gray,Lisanna,Master, Gildarts and us the mates.
Then erza changed into her purgatory armor and attacked them with 200 swords. While the dragon slayers are distracted by the swords, then master did a sleeping spell to made them sleep. And they fell sleeping.

"Master, did they sleep?" I asked
"Yes, but it will last only for 3 hours" Master answered
"Master, what will we do with them now?" Mira asked
"I don't know maybe locked them" Master replied
Levy protest "But master, if we locked them away from us, they will start a war with you"
Erza said "It's fine because we are strong"
"Are you sure you can handle it even if their powers are tripled?" asked Romeo
Gray,Erza,Gildarts and Master nodded.
While the other guild members are starting to awake, master then announce "ALL OF YOU prepare for the worse, WHERE IS FREED?"
Freed then said "Master, what do you want with me?"
Master then replied "Help us cage the dragon slayers in the basement, Gildarts,carry them to the basement and the others help Gildarts and Freed"
Gildarts carried them to the basement, while freed trailed behind him and others behind.
Yukino P.O.V
After the others trailed them, only us the mates, master, gray-sama, juvia-sama, lisanna-sama and erza-sama are left. Then erza-sama asked
"Master, what's the meaning of this?"
Master Makarov then answered
"It's dragon slayers mating season"
Then Gray-sama asked "Whats that got to do with them?" as he point at the 6 girls including me and at 1 boy.I answered its "Its where the drgon slayers find a mate and they mate with them and it happen that we are their mates" They gasps and asked "Who is Natsu's mate?" Lucy-sama raised her hand and then they gasps and asked another question "Sting's" I raised my hand. "Rogue?" Then Kagura-sama raised her hand. "Gajeel's?" Levy-sama raised her hand. "Cobra's?"Kinana-sama raised her hand. "Laxus'?" Mira-sama raised her hand. "And Wendy's?" Romeo-san raised his hand.

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