~Chapter 2: The Mates~

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-In the guild 2nd Floor-

Master Makarov P.O.V
I was surprised by the events happening in the Sabertooth. I returned back to reality when Kagura started to asked "Master, how many dragon slayers are here in the guild and also one's that you know?" I then answered " Well, we have Natsu, Gajeel, Laxus, Wendy and another one that I know which is a member in crime sorciere and his name is cobra so I think 5" Yukino then asked " Do you master have an idea who are their mates?" "I think for natsu's mate is lucy, for gajeel maybe levy, for laxus I'm sure that is mirajane, for wendy is romeo and for cobra i think kinana" I answered.
"Please ask them to come here and we have to go somewhere safe and discuss about the book" requested Kagura while Yukino grabbed some book in her bag and place it on my table and I began to read the title "Dragon Slayers Mating Season And Stages". I then called the names of the girls.

Third Person P.OV

-After few minutes-
There knocking in master makarov's office. Then the master replied "Come In". The door opened to reveal 4 girls and 1 boy. Then, the master motioned them to seat. Then the master started a conversation "Do you want to know why I called you here?" Mirajane ,Levy, Romeo and Kinana nodded while eyed suspiciously Yukino and Kagura but caught her attention on what the master next said "It's Dragon Slayers Mating Season".

Lucy P.O.V
After suspiciously looking at Yukino and Kagura, I began to go back to reality when master said "It's Dragon Slayers Mating Season".
Mira and Levy asked "What is it about?" While Romeo and Kinana had question marks on their heads. Suddenly, Yukino explained "It is about where dragon slayers looks for a mate". I asked "Then what does it have to with us? Mira, Levy,Kinana and Romeo agreed with me. Kagura answered "All of you here are dragon slayers mates including me and yukino" Then we all gasp and exclaimed in unison "What???!!" except for yukino and kagura especially master. I then asked out of confusion "What do you mean??" Then master answered my question "Like Kagura said, you are a dragon slayers mate" Then Levy interupted "Whose mate am I?" Master then chuckled at her words and said "Gajeel's" Then Levy blushed and Mira and I sequeled. Then Romeo asked "And I?" Master then replied "Wendy's" Romeo was blushing hard at her name then Mira happily sequeled and said "Ohh, My ships are already happening" Then Master interupted again and said " Lucy, you are natsu's mate" as he point to me and I blushed.Then Master said "Mira, you are laxus' mate"as he point at mira and mira blush and master then said to kinana as he point at her and said "You are cobra's" and kinana blushed really hard. Mira asked "How about Yukino and Kagura's mate?"
Yukino then blushed and answered "Sting-sama" Then Me,Levy and Mira sequeled. Then I turn to see kagura already red and realize something. Then I went to her and said "So that means you are rogue's mate" She blushed even more red. And then Yukino coughed and explained everything to us if they locked away, and everything. Then She let us look at the book she brought.

I opened and read the First chapter which is short so I read it loud and started "The dragon slayer mating season starts after 5 years and in July 1st" I then continued " On this day, the dragon will felt a change in their body as if the inner dragon takes over the body in afternoon. The inner dragon brings the dragon slayers sexual desire and protective side towards their mates. If the dragon slayer has contact with other dragon slayers while the inner dragon takes over then they find a place together where no one could hurt their mates." I finished and looked over the time to see that it was already afternoon and i quickly notify them and then yukino
told us that we can continue to read it later so that we could go somewhere safe first as she put it on her bag but then I heard an 💥explosion downstairs and we got out of master's office to see 7 dragon slayers along with cobra. And I quickly met Natsu's eyes but felt fear.

Hows that did you enjoy the chapter 2, wait for the incoming Chapter 3

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