~Chapter 20: Training~

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Lucy's P. O. V

10 months passed and the kids can already walk and talk. My son, Nash, the eldest of them, takes care of them whenever we, the parents, train and go somewhere else. Nash isn't the only one who takes care of them but also the exceeds as well. A few months ago, Levy-chan, Mira-san, and Kagura finally had their exceeds. Levy named hers Anna, Mira named hers Setsuna and Kagura named hers Beth. Yukino nicknamed her exceed since the names of her exceed and my daughter are the same. We can't have two Luna's. She nicknamed hers Lunlun. The exceeds are really alert and protects our children when they are sleeping and they also attends to their daily needs. Some of the guild members stayed behind to also protect the kids. And I'm fully grateful for that.

Alright, let's talk about the training. Well, all of us has been progressing especially we the girls and Romeo is training our respective elements in dragon slaying magic. We were practicing in a mountain that is far away from the people and the kids in order for us to be not distracted.

Mine is elemental. I'm also improving my celestial magic. My mentor was my Mom.

Levy-chan has been training together with Gajeel since their mentor was Metallicana. After training her iron dragon-slaying magic, she then went to her next mentor,David, for the time dragon-slaying magic. She is also improving her solid script magic.

Mira-san and Laxus were training with Blaze for their lightning dragon-slaying magic. She got new demon armors from the demon realm. She is learning and practicing those takeover armors. She is also training with her mentor, Krystel, for her crystal dragon-slaying magic.

Weisslogia was training Sting and Yukino in their light dragon-slaying magic. After that Yukino then trains with Celest for celestial dragon-slaying magic and Flora for nature dragon-slaying magic. She also trains with me for our celestial magic with Mother as our mentor.

Kagura and Rogue were training with Skiadrum for the shadow dragon-slaying magic. Kagura then trains with Gabriel for space dragon-slaying magic. Also, she improves and trains her sword skills with Erza.

Kinana is learning poison dragon-slaying magic with Eric and their mentor,Cobra. She learns sound dragon-slaying magic from Melody.

Romeo, the last but not the least, is learning with Wendy and with their mentor Grandine for sky dragon-slaying magic. He decided to learn ice dragon-slaying magic from Frost. Together with Romeo, Gray is also improving and practicing his ice-make magic.

The boys or should I say our mates were also learning and practicing some new moves.

Even the guild members are practicing and creating new moves.

I could say that we are progressing a lot before Zeref could fully awaken within 2 months since we spent 2 days in dragon realm. So that means, 2 years passed here. Right now, it's almost evening time so we decided to call it a day.

On the way home, I saw Stella, my exceed, flying towards me.

"Oh! Stella! I greeted her.
"It's bad" She said catching her breaths.

After she said this, me and the girls thought of worst scenarios in our heads about something bad happened to our children. The tension in the air was nearly killing us.

"What's wrong?" I asked frantically.
"We........we are running out of food for dinnerrrrr!!!!"She replied.
"Wha-t.......you nearly gave me a heart attack." I said taking a deep breath. Everyone behind me did the same. Finally, the tension in the air is leaving.
"Anyways, you don't have to worry about that because I'm going to the market to buy some right now" I said turning to the direction of where the market is.
"Wait, Lucy!"Mom called me.
"Yes, Mom?" I asked.
"Just leave that task to Natsu, Gajeel, Laxus, Sting, Eric and Rogue. We should be heading home right now because the kids are maybe hungry right now so they are waiting for you and the girls" Mom replied and reasoned.
"But Mom...." I said.
"Don't worry Lucy....We will see to it that this idiot Natsu won't make a ruckus there" Gajeel and Laxus assured me.
"Hmm...ok. See you later" I said waving my hands together with the others. They waved back then we continued our way to the guild with Stella.

-At the guild-
Still Lucy's P.O.V
When we had arrived, I saw the kids running towards us. I took Nash and Luna in my arms.
"Momma, I'm hamgryyy" Luna said.
I chuckled at her words.
"Well then, I will get you something to eat" I said as a I set them back to the ground. I saw the girls went to kitchen.
"Did you find something for them to eat?" I asked them.
"Not yet,Lu-chan...we only found some ingredients for soup" Levy-chan answered.
"And a plenty of chicken breasts here" Mira-san added.
"Hmmm.....we could make a chicken soup with this" Kagura said.
"That's a good idea, Kagura-sama!" Yukino exclaimed.
"Well then, let's get into action!" I said as we pumped our fist into the air. --------------------------------------------------------
-A few minutes later-

"Wheew....That was a good work guys!" Levy-chan exclaimed.
"Well then, let's go feed the kids" Mira-san said. I nodded in agreement.
"Kids, it's time to eat dinner!" Yukino called.

We then heard the kids running to the dining room and we heard a series of Yehey's. We sat next to our kids and helped them feed their own food. It was a very joyful dinner for them. After they had eaten, they played for a few minutes. Then, they had fallen asleep. We smiled at this. Carefully, we carried them to their rooms. I kissed the foreheads of Nash and Luna before leaving their room.

Wheewww...it's such a tiring day but still a wonderful day. I saw Levy-chan, Mira-san and the other girls took a nap at the dining table. I decided to join them. I just need a little nap.
I thought as I closed my eyes.
-At the boy's side-

Laxus' P.O.V
I sighed for the 25th time today. We were on our way home. I look at Natsu and Gajeel arguing with each other about the dinner chosen. We entered the guild and saw the girls napping at the dining room. Finally, the arguing of those 2 idiots stopped.

"Oh, welcome back boys" Lucy's mother greeted us.
"We're back" Sting and Rogue greeted back.
"Don't wake up the girls. Let them take the rest. By the way, the kids had already eaten their dinner so they are already sleeping. And also, thank you for buying dinner" She said as she took the plastic bags to the kitchen and settled to cook dinner for us.

Natsu's P.O.V
Later on, we were called to dinner. So, I went to the Lucy to wake her up and eat dinner. The other boys also did the same to the other girls.
"Luce, it's time to wake up" I said.
"Uhmm... Natsu.. Welcome back. Thank you for waking me up" She said.
The girls were finally awake. Then, everyone decided to eat dinner.
After that, we went to our rooms to take asleep. I carried Lucy to our room. I then lied her down to the bed carefully without waking her up.
After that, I settled also in the bed to go to the land of dreams also. I nuzzled into Luce's neck.

"Goodnight Luce" I whispered as I closed my eyes.
Hi Guyz, it's been quite a long time. I'm sorry for the long wait. Luckily, school was over and vacation is here. I can finally settle my mind into finishing this story. This would be probably be finished after 2 or 3 more chapters.😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
Look forward soon for the next chapter. See you soon! 👋👋👋👋👋👋👋


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