~Chapter 15: Dragon Realm~

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Hi!!Everyone, it's nice to see you again. Well, sorry for the late update. For those who waited for me patiently, I would like to express my gratitude and give you this new chapter. Enjoy~

Lucy P.O.V
I woke up happily early in the morning, I look at my side to see natsu snoring with his hands around my waist. I quickly got out of his grip. And took a quick bath and change my clothes. I went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for everyone. While I was cooking, I felt strong arms encircled around me. I yelp in surprise. "Luce, good morning!" At those words, I sighed in relief.
"Good Morning Natsu!" I replied back.
"Luce, are you ready—" I cut him off by rushing to the bathroom to vomit.
I felt hands rubbed my back and saw natsu.
"Luce, are you okay??" asked Natsu
"Yeah, I'm fine" I answered.
Then we went to the dining room to prepare plates for everyone.
Speak of the devil, they arrive.
"Good Morning Lu-chan/Lucy-san/Lucy and Natsu!" they greeted.
"Good Morning too!" I greeted back.
"Good Morning Princess!" Celest said.
"Good Morning too, Celest" I said.
"Time to eat!!" the dragon slayers exclaimed.
After eating, everyone was in the living room watching 📺.
Then levy-chan started "Everyone, I have something to say"
It caught everyone's attention.
"I'm p–regnant" Levy-chan said.
We stared at shock to her.
"Pr-egnant?" I asked.
"Really?" Mira sequeled.
Levy-chan nodded.
Gajeel hugged levy-chan. "Woah, that was unexpected" I said as the girls nodded in agreement. "Gale is a canon" Mira exclaimed as Gajeel and Levy-chan blushed.
"Everyone, let's celeb–" Me, Mira, Yukino, Kagura and Kinana suddenly rushed to the bathroom to vomit.
After vomiting, we went back to the living room to see everyone with worried faces.
Levy-chan asked us "Are you okay, Lu-chan, girls?"
"When did this happen?" asked Wendy. "For me, a while ago" I answered. "Just now" the other girls said. Then Wendy and Levy-chan's eyes widened. "Let me check your condition" Wendy said to us.
-After 6 minutes-
We saw Wendy and Levy-chan very happy. 'Why are they so happy?' I thought. 'Could it that I'm–" I thought as I place a hand over my stomach. 'Maybe not' I thought sadly.
"Congratulations, Minna for you are all pregnant" said Wendy happily.
"EHH!" We exclaimed.
"Luce is pregnant?" asked Natsu.
'Maybe, he isn't ready to be a parent' I thought sadly. I said to him "Natsu, it's okay if you don't want to be the father" I said.
Then he embraced me. "What are you saying, I'm happy Luce to be part of our child's Life" he whispered. I hugged him back. I look at to see Mira, Yukino, Kagura and Kinana hugged by a certain dragon slayer.
"Congratulations!Princess and Yukino" Said Celest
"Thank you" I said to her as Yukino hugged her mother.
"Alright, everyone, we should go to your guild about our departure to the dragon realm"said Celest.
'Oh yeah, I forgot' I thought.
-At the guild-
Gray P.O.V
Everyone was doing there best to locate the girl's location. Then the guild doors opened, I saw them.
"Minna, we are back" Said Lucy at Natsu's arms.
"LUCY!LEVY!MIRA!YUKINO!KAGURA!KINANA!" shouted the guild including me.
"We need to talk to master" said Mira and Levy in unison.
"What is it?" Master said curiously.
Lucy P.O.V
Then I proceded to explain to the guild about what happened, me being a princess, introduce them Celest and other more. Everyone's jaw dropped to the ground.
"And Master, we are going to the dragon realm to prepare for war with Zeref and Acnologia who will be awakened in three years" I said.
Master's face turned serious and nodded.
"Let us stay here for a while before going to my realm" I said.
Everyone in the guild shouted and celebrated.
"You boys, did you hurt Lucy, Mira, Levy, Yukino, Kagura and Kinana right?" asked Erza who has a scary aura. The boys were shaking and said "We didn't Madam". I felt a hand on my shoulder to see lisanna. I gasped and was about to sorry to her about natsu choosing me as his mate but she stopped me and said "It's okay, Lucy-chan, plus I have a crush on someone". I smirked evilly and said "It's Bixlow right?" She blushed and nodded. I sequeled. Then we talk all sorts of things until we bid goodbye so that I will talk to the girls. "Ne, Girls, should we tell them about us pregnant?" I asked then they nodded.
We went to the stage with the boys and everyone in the guild looked at us in confusion especially master.
"Um, everyone we have something to say" said Levy-chan.
"And what is it?" Erza asked.
Me, Mira, Levy-chan, Yukino, Kagura and Kinana said "We are pregnant" Then silence came and they shouted "Ehhh?!!" Erza said "Pregnant" with a red face. I nodded. Then master said something that made everyone snapped out if their thoughts"Let's celebrate" "ohhh!!!" they shouted.
After celebrating, it was time to bid our goodbye. Master said "Gray, Erza,Juvia,Happy,Carla and Panterlily will accompany you in your journey, is that fine?""Thank you,Master" I said. "Bye,bye everyone" We said.
Then we went on a clearing. "Shall we go then?" asked Celest. "How will we go there?" asked Romeo. "Did you forgot me?" Celest asked. "Ohh, I forgot that you were a dragon" said Natsu. Then Celest transformed into her dragon form. Everyone gasped at the sight of a beautiful dragon in front of them. Celest has golden and orange scales, blue eyes and golden wings with red on sides. The dragon slayers were amazed. Celest then lowered one of her wings. "Climb in" Then everyone climb in. She started flying then a portal appeared before us then we went inside. I opened my eyes and was amazed at the view of the dragon realm. It has floating islands. Then among them, there was castle in the center. Then we landed in the front doors of the castle Celest went back to her human form and said
"Welcome to the Dragon Realm!"

Guys, hope you love this chapter. And again, maybe I won't be able to update because of school matters so just wait patiently. Wait for the next chapter which is my 16th entitled "Reunions"

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