~Chapter 21: Too soon~

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Author's P. O. V

The bright sun peaked through the windows. The rays lighting the pair sleeping on the bed.

"Hmm.. mmh" Someone groaned.
He opened his eyes and blinked them many times. He looked around and soon met with a golden head cuddling with him. He smiled at this.

As much as he wanted to stay in the bed cuddling with her, he reluctantly extracted himself from her hold. Slowly and quietly, he succeeded. He stretched his body and glanced at the girl one more time before tiptoeing towards the door to exit.

"Boom!" A loud noise echoed from the outdoors. The golden-haired person wiggled, moaned and soon rubbed her eyes.

Lucy's P. O. V

'Wow, what a really good morning to wake up' I sarcastically thought.
I'm feeling lazy to stand up and start my day. Can't I just stay on this bed?
As much as I want to go to the dreamland again, I jumped out of the bed and then "Baam!!"

"Ouch!" I whimpered as I rubbed my nose. Really.. I just landed on the floor with my face down. I was not like this clumsy before...I sighed.

I heard someone running towards this room. Soon, the door opened with a so-frantic Natsu looking around the room for any signs of danger. His eyes soon landed onto my form sitting on the floor while rubbing my nose.

He chuckled and laughed like an idiot would do. "Clumsy much, Luce?" He remarked and wiggled his eyes playfully. I glared at him. I stood up and wiped the dust off my clothes. An idea popped out of my mind. I will give him a cold shoulder. I exited the room to go to my children's room.

As I opened the door, my eyes were soon met with the scene of my children playing with the toys on the floor.

Nash looked at me and said "Oh, it's Mom" He showed his gummy smile.
Awee so cutee!! I thought.
"Luna, Mom is here, let's go eat breakfast" He remarked.

Being the eldest of all the kids, He is smart at his age. I guess he got it from me. At the age of 5, he can already say a complete sentence. Then at the age of 7, he is completely immerse into reading books like an encyclopedia and novel.
Right now, being a 10 year old, he soon started to take care of his younger sister and other kids.

I'm really proud of him and at least he hasn't gotten the idiotic attitude of his father. I also hope Luna won't get it. Nash started cleaning their mess and bring back the toys to where they came from.

"Mommy!!!" Luna shouted while running towards me. I squatted down and opened my arms for Luna. As she reached me, I tickled her. She giggled.
I carried her and offered Nash my free hand for him to hold. He smiled and held my hand.

We went to the dining room and saw that it was empty. 'Hmm, maybe the others are already training' I thought.
We went into the living room and saw the kids watching TV with exceeds. Nash joined them. I putted down Luna on an empty sofa.

"Nash, Luna, what do you want for breakfast?" I asked them.
"Cereal" Nash answered.
"Are you okay with cereal, Luna? I asked my 7 year old daughter. She nodded. I went back to the kitchen to prepare their cereal.

After that, I went to the living room to give them their breakfast.
"Thank you Mommy" They both said before eating. I smiled and went back to the kitchen to eat my own breakfast.
After eating, I went back to the living room to tell Nash that I will be back later and to take care of the kids. I bid them goodbye and went outside to see my fellow guildmates training. I saw Mom waving her hands to me. I waved back.

'Another day of training' I thought as I ran to her to start my training.
Still Lucy's P. O. V

After that we all went into the conference room with the dragons on their human form, Master Makarov, Erza, Gray, and Juvia for a meeting because Mom said that she has something important to say.
My other guildmates and the exceeds were keeping the kids busy.

After we sat down, Mom started speaking "I know that everyone here must be curious of the reason why I want a meeting" Everyone nodded.
"It's about Zeref and Acnologia" she said. Everyone then gasped.

"What's wrong?" Master asked seriously.
"Since Lucy and her friends spent 2 days on the dragon realm which is equivalent to 2 years here on Earth, we have 1 year left before they will wake up right? " She remarked.
We nod as an answer.

"The dragon slayers and their mates mated before they arrived at the dragon realm. At that time, the babies were already developing on the bodies of the girls. But since the fact that the pregnant women spent two days on the dragon realm, we had to go back here for them to give birth and directly start training. IF we had not gotten back here on Earth and spent 3 days there, then the mages and the people would be already wiped out because Zeref and Acnologia who had already awakened from their deep sleep." She continued.

Eveyone gasped again including Master Makarov.

She continued "You spent 10 months training. And we have 2 months left.
However, I- I can feel it that my powers are weakening and Zeref and Acnologia are fighting my powers to wake up. The time is coming. They will soon wake up which is.................... 4 days from now."

We shockingly gasped for the 3rd time.
"Bu-but Mom, it's too soon, how about the kid's safety?" I remarked worriedly.
"I know that it's too soon Lucy. We don't have choice but to accept it that they are coming. As for the kid's safety, you don't have to worry because we will hide and protect them" Mom said.

"So we all have to prepare for the incoming war" Master Makarov said.
"We have to fight for our future" Erza said.
"We are all not alone because all this time not only the Fairy Tail is training but also the other guilds like Sabertooth, Lamia Scale, Blue Pegasus😂, Mermaid Heels and many other more. " Master Makarov said.

We putted our hands together and shouted "For Tomorrow!!"

Hi Everyone!! It's been a long time since I had updated. I'm sorry for not being able to keep my promises.

Soon this story will have to end by 1 or 2 more chapters. I'm almost there before I could reach the finish line.
Thank you for reading this story
From the start, I thought that this will not be notice and no one wiuld read this story.
Hahahahaha😂😂😂 But I really didn't expect to have many views on this story. I really don't deserve it because of me breaking my promises.  But anyways, I'm truly thankful to you guyz reading this story or book. 📖

I'm sorry for my wrong spelling and wrong grammars and stuff.
But again anyways, I'm thankful for you all having to read this book despite of the mistakes I made.

Please wait for the next chapter. I'm almost there. 😁😁😁😁😁😁
Thank you very much😉😉😉😉😉


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