~Chapter 19: To Earth Realm~

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Lucy's P.O.V

We are back to Earth and also back to our home, Fairy Tail. This will also become home for our kids.
My guild mates and I looked at each other then nodded. Together, we opened the door and saw that everyone was looking at us.
"We are back" we exclaimed.
"Lucy, everyone, Welcome Back" Makarov said. We saw him.
"Master, I would like you to meet someone and her company" I said.
He nodded. "This is my mother, Layla. She is the Queen of the Dragon Realm. Meet her company, the dragons.
--(After the Introduction) ------

Layla's P.O.V
"I'm so sorry, Makarov-san but my daughter and her friends are pregnant and they would giving birth here. And we need 5 doctors or midwives" I said.
His expression then became serious. He nodded and said "Prepare the materials and..." He pointed us and continued "Go to infirmary and let the pregnant girls lie down". I nodded and Erza guided us there.
We let the girls lie down to each bed.
"Are you ready? I will unleash the spell. " I said. The girls nodded.
I muttered some spell to unleashed it. But then, their stomachs had grown suddenly and they groaned in pain.
Just in time, I saw Makarov with the other midwives/doctors. Then, we started the procedure.
"Just get her/him/them outttttt alreadyyy!!!" My daughter and her pregnant friends exclaimed. "OK! Calm down everyone!"I said as the boys tried to calm down their mates. I nodded at my fellow midwives/doctors as a sign to let them start.

-One hour Later-

The girls were still in the middle of giving birth and I was here helping my daughter give birth. The infirmary was still filled of shouts and cries. Each of the girls were squeezing their mates hands. But the boys didn't care cause their mates were in more pain than them.
"Come on, Lucy-dear! Push more harder. I can see already the head coming out." I assured her. Then, she pushed harder and crushing already Natsu's hand. There, the cry of the baby was heard.
"Oh,Lucy! It is a boy!!!" I exclaimed.
"Let me see him." She said weakly.
"Lucy, you are still in the middle of giving birth. You can see him later." I said.

-11 hours later-

Wew!! That was hard. I thought as I wiped the sweat on my forehead.
Finally, Silence was found. The girls were sleeping soundly. The boys were... I chuckled. They were looking at their sons and daughters who were also sleeping with teary eyes. Hehehehe. Well, the mothers gave birth at the same day but there was time difference. It was Lucy and Natsu's son who came out first. Becoming a grandmother and having a grandchildren never crossed my mind before. But, it feels wonderful becoming one actually. Speaking of becoming a grandparent, my fellow dragon warriors in human forms were crying and bickering about spoiling their grandchildren. I sighed.
"Mom...Natsu.. " I heard Lucy waking up wearily. Natsu and I quickly rushed to her side and ready to attend to her needs.
"What is it, Luce? " Natsu asked gently.
"Where are they... My son and daughter? Can I hold them?" She asked.
I gestured to Natsu to get their children. He went and went back with Igneel then he settled their daughter at Lucy's right arm and their son at her left arm. The babies were already awake.
"What are you going to name them? " I asked.
"This girl... "She gestured at the baby on her right arm. She has pink hair and her mother's eyes. She continued "will be Luna. Luna Dragneel". Natsu and Igneel became happy. Well, me too. "Natsu, you name our son" She said to Natsu as she gave the baby boy to him. The boy has Lucy's hair and Natsu's onyx eyes and some features. He grinned and said "Igneel II". Igneel then slapped his head at the back and said "Hey Natsu! Don't give your son that name".
"I know. I know. " He grinned sheepishly. "Then, His name would be Nash.. Nash Dragneel" Natsu said.
'Nash and Luna' I smiled at the names of my grandchildren.
Levy's P. O. V
I blinked my eyes. "Gajeel..." I said wearily. I heard some rustling and saw Gajeel holding my daughter together with his adoptive father, Metallicana holding my son. They settled them at my arms.
"They're beautiful" I said.
"What are you going to name them?" Metallicana-san asked.
I gestured to my son who has my blue hair and Gajeel's features..."He will be Yuuto". I gestured to my daughter who has Gajeel's hair and my features..."She will be Haruna"
"Haruna and Yuuto" Gajeel whispered. Metallicana smiled.
Mira's P. O. V
I felt something warm holding my hand. I opened my eyes and saw Laxus holding it.
"Mira, are you ok? "He asked worriedly.
"Yeah but still weary" I said as I tried to sit. He aided to my help.
"Thank you" I smiled to him.
"Can I see our daughter? " I asked.
He went to get our daughter then he came back.
She was beautiful. She has Laxus' hair and my eyes. Really beautiful.
"What are we gonna name her? " I asked as he settled her in my arms.
"Sara, Sara Dreyar" He said.
"Sara" I whispered as I look at her.
"It's perfect" I said letting my forehead touch his forehead.
Yukino's P. O. V
I opened my eyes to see Sting cooing at our baby. I managed to say
"Sting..." He looked at me and rushed to me. "Is that her? " I asked him. He nodded. "Can I hold her? " I asked.
"Of course, Yukino because you ate the mother of out child" He chuckled.
" What shall we name her? " I asked.
"Maybe Hana" He said.
"Why Hana? " I asked.
"It's because she has her mother's hair and my eyes. When I first laid my eyes on her mother, she was like a flower. " He said teasingly. I pouted at him but later smiled.
"Hana" I said as I kissed my child's forehead.
Kagura's P.O.V
"What shall we name him? " He asked to me. "Hmmm... Yosuke"
"Yosuke, huh? " He smiled to me tgem cooed at the baby. Hehehehe
Kinana's P.O.V
"Let's name him, Hiroto" He said.
I smiled at him and nodded.
"Welcome to the world, Hiroto" I said.

That's it Everyone!! Hope you like it.
Look forward for the next chapter:
Chapter 20: Training pt. 1

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