~Chapter 7: Stingyu~

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Yukino P.O.V
When Sting-sama scopped me and carried me to our room, I can't do anything but feel embarrassed. When we arrived at our room, Sting-sama pinned me in the door and whispered "You know Yukino, I feel excited to mate with you" I blushed. I thought 'Does he love me or not?" I asked sting-sama "Sting-sama, do you love me or not?" He was shocked but suddenly chuckled and said "You know Yukino, we the dragon slayers has only one mate only one" I was speechless. He continued "If we chose already our mate, they are our half and i we do everything to make sure they are safe and healthy" I asked " If anything happened to the mates" He chuckled again and stated "Just like what I said about them being our half, we can't live without them by our side or should I say we won't be completed" I said " So meaning if anything happened to sting-sama, you won't be able to live without me" He nodded and said " Quite romantic, right?" I nodded then he pulled in a tight embrace as if never letting go. He said "Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you and I love you " I was speechless but I turned back to reality when he suddenly bit me in my shoulder. I moaned and look at where he bit me and white circle with rays spreading and inside was a yellow key. It was beautiful. Then I said "I love you, Sting-sama" then he replied "I love you too!!Yukino" Then we started kissing. At first, it was gentle then later it turns out to passionate. We broke from each other to have some air. We went back to continue. (You know what it means😂)

Normal P.O.V
Later that night, what we hear are moans and heavy panting.

Sting P.O.V
After everyting, I kissed her one more time and said "I love you Yukino" She replied "Me too, Sting-sama" Then she went 😴. 'I won't let anything harm you not as long as I'm here by your side' I thought before sleeping soundly.

Be awaited for Chapter 8: Gale and don't forget to suggest or comment. Bye....Bye 👋👋

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