~Chapter 18: The Ball Part 2~

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Layla's P. O. V

"Ehh??!! " My daughter.. My daughter is pregnant?!  OMG! I feel like crying already." I thought.
"Your Majesty, are you okay? " Celest asked worriedly.
"Yeah, I'm fine" I said.
"Mom,  are you REALLY ok? "Lucy asked me.
"Yeah, don't worry, the fact that you are already pregnant yet not married shocked me"I said massaging my head.
"You think it's bad?"She asks worriedly.
"No, not really but can you answer just this question of mine? "I said reassuring her.
She quickly nodded.
"Is it Natsu's? "I asked.
She nodded. I released a deep breath.
"Well then, it's okay cause since you were a child, you were betrothed to him. "I said.
"Thank you,  Mom"She hugged me then went to Natsu.
Now then, I still have to deal with the other dragons.
I saw Igneel lecturing Natsu. I saw the same thing with the other dragons lecturing their sons also. I sighed.
I clapped my hands to get their attention.
"Let us continue to celebrate the return of my daughter and since, she and her friends told us the news.. We shall also celebrate for their pregnancy." I said.
Then, they continued the celebrated.
I went to Lucy and her friends.
"I need to talk to all of you at my throne room"I said. I turned to Igneel and the others and I gestured them to also follow.
-Throne Room-

Lucy's P. O. V
"Mom, what is it? You look serious" I said worriedly.
She started "Lucy , remember that I said Zeref and Acnologia will be awakened after 3 years" I nodded.
She continued "And I also said that one day spent year is equivalent to one year on the earth realm" I  nodded.
"Mom, just cut to the chase. What are you trying to say?" I asked.
"You are pregnant Lucy and it lasts 9 months. How are you going to train when you and your friends are pregnant and also here on the dragon realm? "She asks worriedly.
"Oh yeah.."I said thinking.
"You need to go back to the the Earth Realm and of course, we will go back with you,  the dragons and I. But when we go back, all of the girls who were pregnant will be already giving birth.  You spent two days here and that is already two years in the Earth Realm. After you gave birth, you will be training already and you have 1 year before they will wake up." She continued.
The girls and I look worriedly at each other.
"Is there any possibility that we will lose our babies?" Mira asked worriedly. Laxus sense her worries then he comforted her. The dragon slayers did the same thing to their mates. Natsu massaged my shoulders.
"Yes,  however I will do a spell that would protect your babies and you won't lose them. But when we arrive, some people will be preparing the materials for the birth and after that I will unleash the spell. Grandine, I and the others will be your midwife" Mother said.
The girls and I sighed reliefly.
"We will be going back today. But later. Go prepare your things" Mother added.
Lucy and Natsu's Room

Still Lucy's P.O.V
After everyone was packing, we gathered here in our room and we already changed our clothes. . Levy, Yukino, Kagura, Kinana, Mira and I were sitting in my bed. We looked at each other and we were thinking the same thing. 'I wonder what is the gender of my baby?' we all wondered......The boys were looking at us. Well I don't know what they are thinking. Someone knocking at the door snapped us of our own thoughts.
Natsu opened the door and we saw Wendy's adoptive mom went in, Grandine.
"Wondering about the gender?"She asked. The girls and I nodded.
"Ok then I will help you" She said. "Please stand up all of you and form a line" She requested. The boys just sat down, waiting excitedly for the results.
The girls and I stood up and formed a line. (left to right: Me, Levy, Mira, Yukino, Kagura and Kinana)
Grandine then raised her hands above us and muttered some words, maybe a spell. The girls and I glowed blue.
It was warm and gentle, the light. 
After that, the glow disappeared.
Grandine then gestured us to sit down. "Wendy,  please me get a paper" She requested Wendy. Wendy nodded. Grandine jotted down something,perhaps the results.
We were all quiet and curious.. Even the boys were beginning to sweat.
"Ok! "She caught our attention and smiled sweetly at us.
"Princess Lucy, you will have twins, a girl and boy" She said. OMG! I have twins. Natsu ran to me and twirled me around. I laughed at his actions.
"Levy-san, you will also have twins, a girl and a boy" Grandine continued. Levy-chan cried happy tears then ran to Gajeel.
"Mira-san, you will have a girl" She said. Mira also cried. Laxus then hugged her.
"Yukino-san, you will also have a girl" She said. Sting then planted many kisses around Yukino who was also crying happily.
"Kagura-san and Kinana-san, the two of you will be having a boy" She said.
Kagura and Kinana ran to Rogue and Cobra...hugging.

Mother and the other dragons went in and congratulated us "Congratulations!!!Everyone! It is almost time to depart. I would be putting the protective barrier now".
We all nodded and she continued "Girls, form the straight line you did a while ago". We did then Mother raised one hand above us and muttered the spell to protect our babies. This time, we glowed gold. After that,  the glow glimmered down.

"Ok, that's it" She said.
" This time, we won't be going back by riding on a dragon but by teleporting" She continued.
"Who wil teleport us? " Levy-chan us.
"Me, of course." Mother said.
Mother went to the nearest wall and raised her right hand then muttered the spell. Suddenly, a huge door appeared on the wall. She opened the door and we saw our guild inside.
She gestured us to go in. All of us got in together with our guildmates and exceeds, followed by her and the dragons in human forms.  Then, the huge door disappeared.

"Welcome back to the Earth Realm" She said.

Hi! Everyone. Thank again for your support and please read my new books:
Your Happiness (Tsuna x Haru)
Without You (Naruhina)

Tomorrow,  please be ready for my new chapter: Back to Earth Realm

Thank you and see you again!!!
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