~Chapter 13: The Visitor~

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Lucy P.O.V
" Actually, I have this weird feeling, and it feels nostalgic" I said and Mira,Levy, Yukino and Kagura nodded.
"Luce,maybe you have experience this" Natsu said.
"Yeah, I agree with natsu-san, because when the powers of dragon slayers are transferred into their mates, the mates should have a hard time to get used to the powers" Sting said.
"Just don't mind it" I said. Mira exclaimed to me,romeo and the girls "Ne ne, minna let's try the powers". "Yeah" we said.
Laxus said "Just give up, you can't do It"
Me and Mira said in Unison "We won't know until we try"
"Ok, fine just don't destroy something" Cobra said.
"We are not like you" we the girls shouted.
I turned my direction to the girls and romeo said "Let's try doing the roar"
We all nodded and I started
"Roar of the fire dragon" then a fire came out of my mouth and hitted the tree.
I saw natsu's jaw dropped and also the boys.
Mira exclaimed "See, don't underestimate us"
"Roar of the lightning dragon" Mira said then a lightning escape her mouth towards another tree.
Levy said "Ohh, amazing, my turn"
Roar of the Iron dragon" She said and the roar hitted a boulder and it smashed into smaller pieces.
Yukino and Kagura giggled and said "Our turn"
Together,they said "Roar of the......."
"Light dragon" Yukino said
"Shadow Dragon" Kagura said
It hitted a large tree.
Romeo said "Roar of the Sky dragon" But nothing happened and turned my head to kinana, she shake her head.
" Only me, levy, mira, yukino and kagura can only do it" I said.
I turned my heads to the direction if the dragon slayers and saw their jaws still dropped. I laugh at their expressions. Mira asked "Is there something wrong Lucy?" I answered her by pointing at the dragon slayers. She started laughing with the other girls and romeo. "Hahhahahhahah" The boys snapped out of it and wendy was just standing with a blank expression.
Natsu started "How were you able to do that Luce?" I just shrugged my shoulders. Then Mira interrupted "We should go inside already Minna" Then, we walked back to our house. After going back to our house, everyone separated and goes back to their own rooms, except for mira who will prepare our lunch and of course laxus tagging with her.
-Natsu and Lucy's Room-
Natsu followed me to our room. I went to my bag to get a book and read. When I was about to sit down on the bed, natsu pulled me to his lap and nuzzled in my neck. I read the title of the book "Dragon Princess" Natsu who heard me became interested in the book so I read the contents to him. After reading it to him, I saw that he was sleeping so I slowly got out of his grip.I went to take a shower. While taking a shower, I didn't notice that someone went inside. While I was on my own world, I felt someone hugged me from behind and saw natsu. "Natsu, what are you doing here?" I asked. He answered "Joining you" "Wh-what" I exclaimed and saw him already in the tub. It was quiet. He broke the silence "Luce, I didn't know that you were able to do that" He said. "Hehe...are you surprise?" Then he hugged and said "Of course". We looked at each other until natsu went to kiss me on the lips. I was surprise then he went kissing down my neck to my shoulders. I said "Natsu, we should not do it now" "No" he said. "Natsu, don't" I said. Then, someone knocked on the door. Natsu growled so he stopped. I sighed in relief. I quickly got out of the tub and changed my clothes. Natsu also changed his clothes. I opened the door to see yukino. "Lucy-sama, Natsu-sama, dinner is already done" I nodded and exit the room plus natsu following.

-In the dining room-
I saw the girls in the lap of the boys except romeo and wendy in each opposites. When I was about to sit down, I pulled in the lap by natsu. We eat in silence. Then levy began to speak "Lu-chan and girls, if you were a dragon slayer, what would be your Element?" "Celestial" I said then I asked "How about you, levy-chan?" She answered "Maybe Time" Mira said "Water" Yukino said "Nature" Kagura said "Space" I asked kinana and romeo "How about you two?" Kinana replied "I don't know" Romeo just shrugged his shoulders.
After eating, Yukino asked "Ne, lucy-sama, how about we go sightseeing around the house?"I nodded. Levy came to us and said "I will go too" Mira and Kagura also said "Me too" Yukino said "Then, we should go" Natsu grabbed my wrist "Where are you going Luce?" "Just going with them" I answered. The boys and wendy said "We are going with you too" "Miraa..." I said then Mira said "It came be helped, you can tagged with us but no causing trouble" The boys cheered "Yeheyy" 'They look like kids'I thought and sighed. Then we start to roam around starting behind the house. There we could find a swimming pool. So on and so far.....(I'm so lazy to write about this party so I will skip it)
-After touring-
We stopped in front of the house so the boys except for cobra decided to sit by the bench while us girls except wendy and romeo who is talking in another bench were gossiping and talking. Kinana was washing the dishes and of course cobra is clingy to her. "What should we do?" asked kagura
'Maybe trying another roar or training'I thought
"How about doing our own roar?" Levy answered
"Roar?? We already did it plus we only had one element" Mira asked
"We won't know until we try, right Mira-sama?" Yukino said with stars in her eyes. I sweatdropped.
"But what element?" I asked
"Lu-chan, what do you think is the purpose I asked about the question a while ago while eating" Levy said
I said "You mean what elements we want"She nodded.
"I will try first but I think it won't work" I said as they nodded then I turned my gaze towards a tree and took a deep breath
"Roar of the Celestial Dragon" I said as stars came out of my mouth and hit the target. I was shocked and happy at the same time at what I did.
'How did I did it?' I thought
I heard giggles behind and saw the girls cheering. I turned my direction towards the boys and natsu who has his jaws dropped. I went to him and asked worriedly "Natsu, are you okay?" as I shaked him. He then hugged me and said "You are really amazing Luce" I blushed and ran away from him to the girls. They started teasing me "Lucy, what was that?" Mira as she sequeled. "Just stop it" I said with a red face. Levy said "Then my turn"
Levy faced away from us and turned her direction towards another tree then tooked a deep breath "Roar of the Time Dragon" Then a grayish and gold beam came out of her mouth and hitted her target. I cheered "Good Job, Levy-chan" She nodded. Then Mira said "Then it's my turn" She took a deep breath "Roar of the Water Dragon" Water came out of her mouth and hitted her target. I clapped my hands together with the girls. Mira jumped up and down happily then run towards laxus and hugged him. "Yehey, I did it" She said. Laxus blushed. 'My revenge mira'I thought then said "Mira, what are doing, flirting in front of us?" The girls laughed while Mira blushed and walked towards us. Yukino said "My turn" She turned her gaze to another tree and focused "Roar of the Nature Dragon" Then green beam escaped out of her mouth and smashed the tree. She happily walked towards us and high five with me and levy. Lastly kagura said "So it means I'm last" Then she focused and breath deeply "Roar of the Space dragon" Then a greenish beam with a little sparkles or stars came out of her mouth and hit a tree. We the girls giggled happily. Not until our moment was interrupted by the clapping of hands. Me and the turned our direction towards where the sound is then we saw a cloaked figure.The boys went to us and stood in front of us protectively. Natsu said "Who are you?" The cloaked figure which I assume was a woman said "Oh my, it's such a disgrace for my attitude" "Show us your face" Sting said as he protect yukino. The cloaked figure then pulled down her hood and we saw a woman with a blond hair down to her waist with a star clipped on it, she has blue eyes and she was wearing a yellow dress which ended above her knees.
Then she bowed down and said "It's been a while, princess lucy, Levy-sama, Mira-sama, Yukino and Kagura-sama".
Me and the girls whose name was mentioned was shocked.

"Princess??!!!" I shouted

Sorry Everyone for the update. So please forgive me🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
By the way, did you enjoy the story?" Just wait for the next chapter which is Chapter 14: The truth

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