~Chapter 8: Gale~

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Levy P.O.V
When Gajeel carried me to our room, I couldn't do anything but only space out and think what would happen next. When we arrive, he putted me down in the bed. I closed my eyes to wait for something to happen. But a few moments later, I heard light chuckling which was from gajeel. I opened my eyes to see him looking at me. 'Why isn't he doing something?' I thought. Then he started "Shrimp, if really don't want to do it, then I will wait" Then he stood up and went to exit our room. I couldn't do anything but I hugged him behind. Then he stopped to look at me. I said "Don't leave me" He was speechless. So I said "I love you, do you feel the same for me?" I closed my eyes tightly and thought
'He doesn't love me, doesn't he?'
'It just that I want my first time to be special'
I turned back reality and opened my eyes to see him kissing me. I couldn't do anything but stare at the blank space. The kiss then turned passionate then my back hit the wall. So, I kiss him back. After kissing, I feel embarrassed. Then he said "Of course I love you" I pinched my cheek to see whether I was dreaming or not. "Ouch!" He chuckled and said "You're not dreaming" I asked "Do you really love me?" as I put my arms around the neck. "Yes, I love you" He bit on my shoulder. After that, I look at the place where he marked me and saw a book that has irons spreading separately at different directions. I can't believe it that I was Gajeel's mate. Then we continued to kiss. When we heard moaning from each side of our room. I felt my face heat up and blushed madly. I looked up to see him chuckling. I asked "Whose room is the right side? left side?" He said "If salamander and bunny girl's room is in the foremost right, then laxus and mira's is next, then ours, after is sting and yukino's" "So meaning at the right side is sting and yukino's then at our left side "Is laxus and mira" I stated. He nodded, he putted his arms on my waist and whispered in my ear "If they are already at it then we should also do it" "I blushed again and said "I already know, idiot" as I pulled his face to mine abd continued to where we stop. (-smirked- you know already about it 🤗)

Normal P.O.V
Later that night, there rooms are already filled with screaming and moaning.

Gajeel P.O.V
After that, I layed beside her and secured her in my arms as if the world depended on me. I whispered to her ear "You are already mine" Then she said "You are also mine" and together we went to the land of dreams.

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Just what FeeFairyTailBee requested, I would do Chapter 9:Kinabra next. Be awaited for more fun chapters and adventures and don't forget to comment or vote for your choice


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