~Chapter 17: The Ball Part 1~

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Lucy's P.O.V

I opened my eyes to see Natsu still sleeping. I slowly get out of his embrace. I took a quick shower. Then, I heard a knock on the door. I opened the door.

-Outside the Room-
I saw Mom holding a box and there was something flying behind her back.
I asked "Mom, what are doing here and what is that?
She answered "This is for you to wear for the ball later
I said "Thank you Mom" then she gave me the box.
She continued "And also one thing..."
She moved to her side to reveal the thing behind her back. I cried tears of happiness and said "Stella!"
Stella said "Lucy!"
We hugged each other. I mumbled "Thank God you are safe".
Mom said "Now, lets eat breakfast"
I said "You go first Mom, I need to wake up Natsu"
She smiled and said "Okay"

-Inside the Room-
Stella asked "Who is this Natsu, Lucy?"
I answered "It's my mate and I want you to meet someone"
Stella asked "Who?"
I pointed at something on the table.
Stella gasped. I chuckled and said "It's Happy" She went near Happy and chatted happily.
I went near the bed and shake Natsu "Natsu, wake up".
With that, he opened his eyes and said "Lucy?"
I said "Lets eat breakfast". He sat down. He asked "Who is that?" He pointed Stella. I said "It is Stella my exceed and Stella, meet Natsu"
Stella said "Hi Natsu"
Natsu grinned and said "Hi Stella".
He stand up and went to wake up Happy. Happy woke up and then we went to the dining room. We saw that Happy and Stella were happily talking to each other.

-Dining Room-
I sat down on the other end of the table with Natsu on my right, Happy beside him and Stella on my left. Then, the others arrive.
We started chatting happily and reminiscing with each other.

Later that Night (before the Ball)

Still Lucy's P.O.V

'Oh My Goodness!,I can't believe it' I thought as I looked myself on the mirror.

'Oh My Goodness!,I can't believe it' I thought as I looked myself on the mirror

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I was wearing this gown given by my Mom. It is so beautiful and amazing. 'I look beautiful in it' I thought. I almost screamed at the same time when I felt warm hands pulled me into a tight embrace. I sighed in relief when I knew it was Natsu.

"Luce,  you look amazing" He complimented.

"You too,  Natsu.. You look handsome" I complimented back. He was wearing a tuxedo with black tie.
We broke the embrace but never looked away from each other. We both leaned closer..

"Ehem...are you forgetting us? "Two voices interrupted the moment.
We looked for the source of the two voices then we found our exceeds... Happy and Stella wearing their formal attire for the ball.

"Ughh,Happy and Stella... You ruined the moment." exclaimed Natsu.

"Woww, Happy and I thought that we would have to break you away from each other because if we didn't, you two would be taking too much time and we would arrive late" Stella said.

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