~Chapter 16:Reunions~

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Lucy's P.O.V
"Wow, it's beautiful and big" I exclaimed. Celest chuckled " Princess, did you forgot that you are the daughter of the owner which is my Queen?" "Oh, I forgot" I smiled. Celest opened the palace doors and led us inside and stop in front of a room.  Celest turned around to us and said "Please wait for my signal to come in" I nodded as a response.

Celest P.O.V
I opened the door to the room and saw Igneel pacing back and forth.
I giggled at his actions which cause him to look at me. In the blink of an eye, I was locked in a tight embrace by him. I hugged him back. "I missed you" he whispered. "Me too" I whispered back. Oh yeah, I forgot about them. "I brought some visitors" I whispered. "Who?" he asked. "Come In" I motioned them to come in. Then they came and I saw Igneel's eyes widen. "Meet Princess Lucy and her friends" I said to him. "Princess, I'm so sorry for my rudeness earlier" Igneel said bowing to princess.
"Its fine....." Princess said. "Igneel, his name is Igneel" I said to her. "Oh Igneel...IGNEEL?!!" She exclaimed. "Natsu, it's the dragon you are looking for" she said to her mate. In instant, Natsu and Igneel were having their own reunion. "Oh,Natsu, it's been a while!" He said. "Igneel" Natsu said while hugging him. "Natsu, have you found your mate yet?" Igneel asked to Natsu. "Well, yes" He said. "Who?" Igneel asked. "Lucy" he answered. "Ohh, so it is princess huh?" Igneel said grinning and smiling.
I chuckled at them.

No one's P.O.V
"Uhm, are you forgeting about us?" Erza interrupted. "oh, I'm so sorry for my rudeness..Miss..." Igneel apologized.
"Erza" Erza said.
"Oh Misa Erza" he said.
Erza turned to her friends "Introduce yourself to Igneel"
-Introduction Skip-

Lucy's P.O.V
"Where is Mom, Igneel?" I asked Igneel. "Oh, she is at the throne room with the other dragons" he answered.
"Could I go meet her?" I asked him. "Of course, Princess" he said. "Then let's go" I said to the others.
After arriving in the throne room, I felt nervous then I felt something warm in my hand and I saw natsu holding hand. I smiled at him and he grinned back at me.I took deep breaths and opened the doors. There I saw my Mom sitting on a royal chair and other dragons in human forms.
They were busy discussing some things so they didn't notice me.
Then Igneel cleared his throat which caught their attention.
"Princess Lucy has arrived" he announced.
I took a deep breath and step forward to bow.
"My name is Lucy Heartfilia and it's my pleasure to meet you everyone" I said.
When I lift my head up, I saw my Mom's eyes gets teary all of sudden and the others were surprised by my appearance.
I ran to my Mom to embrace her.
I whispered to her ear "I miss you, Mom"
"I miss you, too" She whispered.
It lasted for a few minutes. "Mom, I want you to meet Natsu" I said. She smiled and said "No need, I already know him and that you would end up together".
When we broke the embrace, I saw the dragons bowed down to me.
Then they started introducing themselves to me, one by one.
"I'm Grandine, the sky dragon and wendy's foster parent" Grandine introduced herself.
"Mama?" Wendy asked. "Hi Wendy" Grandine smiled and opened her arms to wendy for a hug. Wendy cried tears of happiness and hugged her. I'm happy for them. Wendy introduces her mate,Romeo to her.
Then, I saw Gajeel, Sting and Rogue have a reunion with a particular dragon: Metallicana and Weisslogia and Skiadrum.
Then the introductions continued:
Crystal Dragon: Krystel
Earth Dragon: Rina
Time Dragon: David
Lightning Dragon: Blaze
Water Dragon: Aqua
Ice Dragon: Frost
Nature Dragon: Flora
Space Dragon: Gabriel
Sound Dragon: Melody
Poison Dragon: Viper
"Nice to meet you too, Everyone" I smiled and said to them. It is already night time. We had our dinner together. Then my mother announced "Tomorrow, we will be having a ball to celebrate for my daughter's return." The dragons nodded and my friends started getting excited.

When everyone was already sleeping in their own rooms, I went to talk to my mother. I went to her bedroom.
I knocked on the doors and I heard a reply saying "Come in".
I came in and she was shocked to see me "Lucy, what are you doing here at this time?". "Mom,I want to talk to you about Zeref and Acknologia" I said. Her shocked face turned into a serious face. I went to sit beside her in the bed. She started "You heard from Celest right that they will begin to wake up in three years".I nodded.
"You know the flow of the time here is different from the earth realm time" She continued. I asked"What do you mean?" She sighed and said "What I wanted to say was that one day spent here is equivalent to 1 year in the earth realm " I was speechless. "The battle with Zeref and Acnologia will happen in the earth realm" she said.
I asked worriedly "Do you think we can beat them?" She said "I don't know but the reason you and your friends are here in this realm is that to train them." "Mom, we can ask help from Makarov" I said.  She smiled and hugged me "I really hoped that we can be able to beat them". I hugged her and assured her "We can".
She said "You should go back to your room and sleep for tomorrow's ball". I nodded. I bid her farewell and went to my room to find natsu still awake.
-Bedroom of Natsu and Lucy-
"Natsu, why are you still awake?" I asked him as I settled in the bed. "I was waiting for you" he said as he pushed me to closer to him.
With that, we went to the land of dreams.

Sorry Everyone!!! Gomenasai!!!
🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 Please forgive me for the late update. And again, it was because of school. And right now, I'm on a summer vacation. And as a gift to let you forgive I would finished this fanfic before school starts. And I decided to make another fanfic after this and it would be featuring one of my favorite couples.
Wait for the next chapter entitled
"The Ball & Surprise"

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