~Chapter 11: Rogura~

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Kagura P.O.V
Rogue just carried me to our room. When we arrived, he put me down. I sat in bed. He followed me and just sat at the other side of the bed. The air between us was tense. 'What am I gonna do?' 'Escape?' 'How about the girls'I thought. I snapped out of it when rogue started " You know what Kagura, if you don't want do it, I will wait" I couldn't find words to say when he continued "I'm patient" I replied "It's fine plus it's just I'm nervous" "Are you sure?" he asked. I put a finger on his lips to silence him then I said "I will do it if you really love me" I was shocked when pulled me in a tight embrace. "I love you" he said. I hugged him back and said "I love you too" He asked "Is it okay if I mark you?" I nodded. Then he suddenly bit me. I moaned. I look at the place where he marked me and I gasped at it. It was a sword surrounded by black mist. He locked his arms around my waist and whispered at my ear "All that needs is mating" I blushed at the word mating then I wrapped my arms around his neck and said "No need to tell me already" I pulled him closer...then our lips met. Later, it turned passionate. I was pinned in the bed and rogue on top of me. (just imagine it 😳😳😳)

Normal P.O.V
Moaning and heavy breathing could be heard around their room.

Rogue P.O.V
I couldn't believe it that I made love with the woman I want spend my life for eternity. I said "I will always love you" She said "Me too" With that, we went sleeping.

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