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Tommy's POV -

I stayed in the shade on the edge of the forest. Nick and Ashlie said they we are some sort of messed up vampires so we can go in direct sunlight. Ashlie seemed really bummed out about it to. I was ticked about it as well but when you think about it it does seem to make sense, there was no light in the entity, we are all pale to some extent, and we are all murderers who have special abilities to kill survivors. So it seems fair that they are safe in the sun.

"Why are we here again" I heard a female girl to my right say

I heard multiple footsteps coming my way so I quickly hid behind a tree so they wouldn't see me.

"To have some fun for once" a male said

I felt myself start to grab the handle of my chainsaw. "It's only two of them I can kill them" I thought to myself with a twisted smile on my face the only problem is that there in the sunlight where I can't go and if one of them gets away they could tell others and our cover will be blown. Was it worth it... I felt my eye twitch, No it's not. I put my chainsaw away and quietly started walking to our little hiding spot. I don't know how Ashlie thinks we can pull this off, did she forget about the whole urge to kill every human we see thing. I mean it may not have looked like it but I had some problems just walking away from those two, they got lucky.

Small Time Skip -

I walked into the clearing where I saw Nick leaning against a tree messing with his weapon while Uni was drawing in the dirt with a stick.

"What are you doing Nick" I asked while sitting down by him

"Trying to find some way to improve this thing" he said

"What do you mean by 'improve'?" I asked with a confused look

"Well does this hurt" he said while hitting me

"Ow, yes" I said rubbing my shoulder

"Well there you go"

I gave a slight growl at his but he didn't seem to notice or care. I looked around and saw that Ashlie was nowhere to be seen.

"Hey Nick where's Ashlie?" I asked while letting my arm go limp to my side

"She said she was going to get some fresh air" he responded

"Ok... why"

"She never said"

"Got any ideas of where she went" I asked

"I have a hunch but I am not completely sure" he said while going back to his weapon

I am not sure why but Nick seemed ticked about something for some reason but I don't think he wants to talk about it. I could almost feel a slight disturbance in force, so maybe I should leave him alone for now.

Ashlie's POV -

I looked at the town with eager, I can't wait for night to come I can get a closer look then.. I can still remember what the town looked like back when Nick and I were still alive but it looked different now. There are some new buildings and I saw that they were mostly motels/ hotels and houses, maybe more people lived here now. I leaned forward to see if I could get a better view but I felt something burn my hand. I hissed in pain and recoiled back to the shade. I looked at my hand and it was a somewhat tinted red but it slowly starting to fade back to my normal skin tone. Maybe it would be best if I head back to the others.

Cory's POV -

I was walking down the path to the woods and saw a group of people kicking a can around. I didn't questioned it at first but I did start to when I saw they had knives in there back and front pockets.

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