Entering Darkness

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(If you don't like it when animals die then don't read the first part of Nick's POV. Sorry ;-;)

Nick's POV -

I stalked the forest that surrounded the walls of my area. I was hunting. I kept glancing back and forth, glaring between the dark wood of the tree trunks, hoping to find one, just one.

I looked at the ground, trying to see if the dirt had been disturbed in any way shape or form. My head shot up when I heard the light flapping of wings behind me. I smiled and let out a strange growl. Yes...

I swung my weapon right into the crow. Causing it to caw loudly as it hit the ground with a loud thud. I smiled as it writhed on the ground in pain, crimson blood staining it's once beautiful, black feathers.

I bent down and picked it up by the neck. It struggled in my grip, but I was to strong for this small and defenseless creature. I grabbed it's neck with my other hand, smiling as it cawed loudly, scratching my stomach with it's talons. Trying to get free from my grip.

I gripped it's neck tighter and quickly wrung it.

It let out one final caw before falling silent. I dropped it on the ground, a soft thud rang out through the trees. A small yet barely noticeable puddle of blood was starting to form around it's lifeless body, contaminating the already blood stained ground. I chuckled dryly as I kicked it to the side and continued walking to my destination.

That was fun... But it wasn't enough! I need to kill something else, I need more Blood

Cory's POV -

I was keeping my pace as I jogged through the forest looking for some sort of indication that I was getting close to the Entity. It was dark and cold but I didn't care, I need to find them, it's my fault they're gone in the first place, I should be helping them. Can I even find it? I think I remember Ashlie saying something about only certain people can find it, but I don't know if I'm the certain person she was talking about. Is it something to do with blood, your soul, hope, or does the Entity just chose who gets to come?

You know what, it doesn't matter, if I find it I find. That's that.

I kept looking around. Until I noticed a light blanket of fog on the ground. I started to run into the fog. I must be close.

It became thicker as I ran into a large clearing. There were no trees just fog and...

My eyes widened as I looked at a structure in the distance. I stood there for a moment before slowly making my way to what looked like the only building for miles.

I looked down at my hands to see I still had the book. I stopped and opened it, skimming through the pages until I found a picture of a gate. I looked up through the fog. My vision narrowing on the gate, the gate that looked exactly like the picture.

"This is it" I said to myself (Obviously. Sorry I'll go back to my other writing now XP)

But something that was strange about the gate was the fog. Not just surrounding it, but it looked like the gate was, causing this fog. It was like watching a really slow waterfall, once it hit the ground, it spread out into the ocean of fog that already covered the dark earth.

"Well that's ominous" I said out loud

I looked up and didn't see any sources that the fog could be coming from, but there was something odd.

I moved to the side a bit so I could clearly see the sky. My eyes widened in fear, I took a step back. There was some sort of swirling vortex in the sky, along with about 5 different colors, each covering a different part of the sky evenly. There was a dark blue, an almost orangish-red, a blueish-green, a black or dark grey, and a almost blueish-black.

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