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Cory's POV -

I opened my eyes just to be blinded by bright lights. I groaned as I tried to sit up but just laid back down on the bed.

"We'll look who finally woke up" I heard a voice say

I opened my eyes to see Jon and Dawn, "Hey Cory" Dawn said

I smiled at them, "Hey guys what's up" I said managing to sitting up but not with difficulty, it hurt to talk a bit but not much

"Take it easy now Cory you're in bad condition" Jon said walking over

"I'm fine Jon, it just... hurts" I said threw a quick breath

"You sure, the doctors said that you looked pretty bad" Dawn said walking over

"I'm ok guys, really... Wait how longhave you guys been sitting here?" I asked

"Well I got here about 20 minutes ago but Dawn was here before me" Jon said

"I got here about an hour ago because I didn't sleep in a few extra hours" Dawn said looking at Jon

"It was needed, I stayed up all night watching Camp Camp" Jon whined

"Oh my god, Jon" I said face palming

"What can I say, I'm a night owl" Jon shrugged

I rolled my eyes and smiled

Time Skip –

We all talked for a while but one of the doctors had walked in, "Glad to see you are awake Cory, how are you feeling" a woman asked

"I'm ok still a little soar but other than that I am good" I respond

"Yes, I wanted to ask you about your injuries. Do you remember anything?" she asked

"Umm... It's a little fuzzy" I lied

I know EXACTLY what happened, well not entirely. I remember I passed out at one point.

I felt a head ache coming on. I grounded and put my hand on my forehead.

"You good man" I heard Jon ask

Slowly I masked the memory and lowered my hand, "fine, just got a slight head ache" I said

"Understandable, it looks like you had some trauma to head." She said

I put my hand on the back of my neck and realized that there were bandages. I coughed only to recoil, rubbing my neck. It hurt to talk but it hurt even more to cough.

I shivered, "What happened" I asked

"You were found unconscious in an alley way" Dawn said

"Alley way? I don't remember being in an alley way" I muttered to myself

"You are correct and I wanted to ask you why you were there, and what happened." She asked

"... I don't know how I got to this, alley way but as for what happened... I'm not sure either." I partly lied to them. I have no idea how I got to this alley way they are talking about, maybe Ashlie or Tommy took me there, maybe even Uni.

"Do you have any memory of what happened" she asked for the second time now

"If being beaten to the point where I'm unconscious counts as memory then yes" I said sarcastically

"Cory" Dawn said

"Well you got lucky that someone found you when they did, you had internal bleeding." She said

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