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Jon's POV -

I listened to Dawn's movements as he wrapped up Cory's ankle. I was working on a generator on a generator but my hands were shaking badly. I'm surprised I haven't messed up yet. Maybe I'm just motivated to not mess this up.

"Ok." Dawn said

I stopped working on turned to him, "How is he?" I asked looking at him

"He's lost a lot of blood, and it's hard to tell if he will live." He said with a calming tone

Cory's was lying lifeless on the ground. He looked slightly pale and he had small amounts of blood on his hoodie. His glasses had a small crack but he should still be able to see out of them.

Dawn moved to the side of the generator, beginning to work on it.

I started to work again. Staring at my hands, trying to keep them steady but I couldn't stop them from shaking.

I pulled away and grabbed one of my wrists. I shivered.

Dawn glanced my way. He stopped working and put his hand on my shoulder. I looked at him with fearful eyes, "I'm fine." I said

"J-just need to calm down."

He nodded and started working again


We were almost done with this generator. Maybe about two or three minutes but I stopped when I heard something. It sounded like a person but will all the sounds going on it was hard to tell.

I heard it again. A pained groan.

I stopped and looked at Cory. He was slowly sitting up but he leaned to the side and started coughing. My eyes widened and I rushed to his side.

"Cory!" I said placing my hand on his back

He moved so he was laying on his stomach, his arms were supporting him while he kept his head low.

I heard the generator still going, Dawn was still working on it I'm guessing.

Cory continued his coughing fit while I kept a tight grip on his shoulders, "You're going to be fine Cory." I said

I heard the generator give off a loud sound, indicating that it was finished.

Cory's cough began to die down a tad but he couldn't talk proper sentences without coughing.

I began to shake slightly.

Dawn came over and knelt beside Cory. He placed one hand on the back of his neck and the other on the front, it looks like he was trying to choke him.

I started to panic. I grabbed Dawn wrist, about to pull him away but Cory's coughing began to die down.

I let go of Dawn's wrists and move in front of Cory.


Cory's POV -

I could think straight, I couldn't feel anything. There was a ringing in my ears and I have no idea where I am.

What's going on? Am I still on the ground? My eyes were shut tight and I couldn't open them. I tried to hold my breath to stop the pain in my chest but that just made it worse.

"Cory!" I heard faintly

I slowly opened my eyes as the pain in my chest started to go and I was becoming aware. I felt hands on my neck, I began to worry. I reached up and prayed them off my neck and looked up.


"Cory!" He yelled, fear dominating his features

I felt myself cough but they were quiet, "J-Jon?" I rasped out

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