Friends and Enimies

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(I am SO SORRY about not posting I will tell you why at the end of the chapter)

Cory's POV –

I was looking threw some old news articles on my computer seeing if I can find anything on how Ashlie went missing but I can't find anything.

It is really late right now but I'm not really that tired, well maybe a little but only because of what happened today. I hope Ashlie and Tommy sort things out with, Uni and Nick I think their names were. Ashlie told me a lot about them but I know it's a different story to hear it from them. But of course I haven't met the other two and I hope I don't to be honest. I am sure they are nice to each other but I don't think they will be nice to me.

I looked at the time, "12:13" I said to myself, stretching

"Maybe I should get to bed" I thought to myself while yawning

I left my room and headed towards the bathroom to wash my face. But as I was, I heard something behind me, I looked back but didn't see anything but when I looked back in the mirror I was shocked to see someone standing behind me. I looked back again but no one was there.

"Ok... That was, creepy" I said going back to my room

I didn't get a good look at them but I could tell it was a male, he looked like he had black hair and had blood all over his cloths, like Ashlie did when we met.

I looked around one more time before taking off my glasses and lying down in bed, almost immediately passing out.

Nick's POV –

Ashlie and I stayed by the edge of the drop off, still hugging. I didn't want to hurt her but I just... couldn't stop, myself.

I felt myself hug her tighter as more tears left my eyes. She started rubbing by back, "its ok Nick, deep breaths." She said

I started to calm down and we released each other

"You good" she asked

I stayed silent and looked at the ground with my arms limp in front of me. I reached up and took off my mask. I turned it over and looked at the blood on it mainly, Ashlie's blood.

"I don't think I should have this anymore" I said looking Ashlie in the eyes, smiling

She looked at me confused as I stood up and looked over the edge. She opened her mouth to say something but I cut her off but throwing the mask in the air, summoning my weapon, and swinging it causing the mask to break. It fell to the bottom of the drop off and I looked at Ashlie. She looked down and then back at me with shock, but she smiled and pulled me into another hug.

"Home run" she said pulling away and looking at me

I smiled back at her, "I we might want to start heading back" I said

"Lead the way" she said

Small Time Skip –

We made it to the clearing where Uni and Tommy were talking to each other

"Hi" Ashlie said

"Hey nerd" Tommy said still looking at Uni

I cleared my throat which made him look back, he made a regretful face while I smiled and sat down with Ashlie.

"We should get bed" I said leaning back against a tree

"Sure" Uni yawned

"But I'm not tired" Tommy said in a babyish voice, which caused a quiet chuckle to escape my mouth

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