First Real Impressions

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(I got some things to talk about at the end and I hope you will read it because I will, once again, be explaining why this took so long. Sorry for the wait, I didn't just want to put an a/n after a long time of being silent you know, get your hopes up then you all just see it's an a/n, I don't want to do that because I think that's a bit unfair to you guy's so... ya...)

Dawn's POV -

The sound of dry leaves breaking in the wind mixed with the broken generator flooded my ears. I had managed to lose Tommy a while ago and attempted to find Cory and Jon twice but gave up, eventually turning to the generators so when they find these so-called magical necklaces and get Tommy to wear one all we'll need to do is open the gates and move on whoever is left to 'save' in this forsaken place. Hopefully, that's all we need to do to get out of here anyway.

I reached into the toolbox I had gotten while looking for the others, I found a chest and just thought, "Why not!" and there was a toolbox inside with the only tool most people could really work with, which was just wire cutters, wrenches, and all that good stuff. At least it was the simple stuff and nothing too complicated or time-consuming.

The only thing I could really do to pass the time was to think, most would say it was distracting but not for someone of my types. For the most part, I just thought about random stuff and possibilities of getting. The occasional toxic bad ending would enter my head but I would quickly counter it with something less heartbreaking. The thoughts of Cory and our fight also lingered in the back of my head for some time, bringing it up made me realize how harsh I was being to his friends... I tried to tell myself that I knew nothing about them and that anyone would do it in that situation. I knew that was a lie, Jon didn't do it, and I know other people wouldn't do it, and others would be even more unforgiving. The reality was, I didn't know what they were like before we came here, Cory said they were just as nice as Jon and I when he had been around them for a few days, so, I didn't even really give them a chance to explain themselves. Tommy almost killed Jon and I but from what I heard from Cory he was a fun guy to be around, Uni held him down so we could get away, and Ashlie told us what to do... I haven't met this Nick guy, but maybe something will go right with him (>:3) or something could go wrong... (>:D)

The sound of the generators turning on made me yelp and jump back, landing hard on the dirt. I looked up at the newly lit light that rested at the top of a long poll above the generator. I looked around before shakily releasing a heavy sigh, standing up, rubbing my side.

"Ow." I plainly stated, "Stupid woods making me all jumpy, just go on ahead and give him directions to me will you."

I cracked my neck and walked to the generator I had just brought life to. I picked up the various tools scattered around my previous spot, placing them into the box. Once everything was picked up, I grabbed the box and left quietly.


As I continued to walk further and further away from the generator, I had noticed that the sound of a slow and calm heartbeat followed. I had stopped looking back because every time I had previously looked nothing was there, so I just decided to shrug it off. I'm not stupid though. I know what the heartbeat means, but I haven't seen Tommy anywhere around for a long time now and even if he did hear the generator I was long gone from it by now. Sure I had a small cut on my leg from a loose branch that had decided to say hi while I was running away from him but there wasn't much blood to really follow and Tommy doesn't seem like the tracking type in my eyes. (He secretly has bloodhound >:3)

I looked up at the moon. It was bright and eye-catching. But... it hadn't moved from its spot in the sky hours ago, what? I stopped.

"That's impossible..." I said staring at the only source of light in the nighttime sky

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