Research and Memories

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Nick's POV -

I looked at my reflection in the water, it was like I was having a staring contest with myself. I never thought that I would get to this point where I would die and come back to hide from people just because I'm dead. But there are a lot of things that you can't help in this world and I hate that. Like when, I...
"No no, Nick you can't think about that right now. Can't have another breakdown." I thought to myself as I looked back in the water
"Hey Nick" I heard Uni say
"What are you doing" he asked
"Nothing, like usual"
"Well who's the fun police now" Uni said nudging my arm
I smiled a bit but it quickly fell, "Hey sorry if I..." Uni said worried
"No you didn't do anything it's just..." I paused
"I know you're worried about Ashlie" Uni said
"It's not just that" I said
"Then what" he asked
I was silent I don't think I could explain it to him, so what's the point. But then again maybe just talking about it can help, "Have you ever thought about what the world would be like if you didn't exist?" I asked
"What?!" he responded
I summoned my weapon and dipped it in the water, making my reflection look strange and retorted. "I mean what would happen to Ashlie if I was never there."
"I wouldn't have killed her and she probably wouldn't have never died in the first place" I continued
"Nick" Uni said grabbing my arm so I stopped messing up the reflection
"Sorry got dark again didn't I" I apologized
"Just a little, but Nick if you didn't exist Ashlie probably wouldn't have been the same person she is now" Uni said
"But she would be alive because I wouldn't have killed her" I protested
"Or one of us would have killed her" Uni said
"Nick, the past is the past just move on" Uni said putting his hand on my shoulder
"Well that's easy for you to say because you didn't kill your OWN SISTER" I yelled
"But that sister forgave you" he said
"I know but still"
"Nick, she is still the same Ashlie. But are you the same Nick?" he said while getting up and walking away
I looked back at the water, watching the ripple bounce off the walls.
"I hate irony"

Cory's POV -

I was walking down the sidewalk heading to the library. I don't know what I will find but hopefully  can find something useful in there.
As I looked up to see the street name someone grabbed my shoulders and shook me
"HEY CORY!!!" they shouted
I yelled at this and turned around quickly, "JON what the heck man, you gave me a heart attack" I said seeing Jon doubled over laughing
"You get scared to easily Cory, we have to fix that"Jon said putting his arm on my shoulder, leaning on me
"Good luck with that" I said suddenly moving making him almost fall to the ground
"Hey" he said recovering from the fall
I gave him a smirk and started walking again, "Where are you going" he asked
"Library" I said while looking back at him, walking backwards.
He looked at me with a shook look, "You are going to the library?" he said sarcastically
"Ya, you seem shocked" I said turning back around as Jon joined my side
"Oh now you're coming" I said mockingly
"Well you know I love tagging along with random people I find on the street" Jon said
"Right" I said awkwardly
"So how's Dawn doing I haven't seen him lately" I asked
"He's doing fine he's just being Dawn, but why are you going to the library" he asked
"I am doing some research for a friend" I responded trying not to be suspicious
"Who?" he asked
"Umm... You don't know them" I said
"Well maybe we could meet" he said excited
"No, she's um. Really shy" I said
"Oh well maybe sometime in the future?" he said/ asked
"Ya maybe." "Uh ya, No" I said and thought at the same time

We made it to the library and I felt nervous while walking in. Not because I am shy or anything it is just that Jon isn't exactly the quietest mouse out there.
"So what are we looking for" he asked following me
"Wait, you actually do want to help?!" I asked shocked
"Ya, I don't have anything better to do" he said
"Ok, well I am looking for a missing person report" I said while going onto the computer
"Why would you or... your friend want to know about a missing person" he said while pulling up a chair, sitting in it the wrong way.
"You would be surprised" I said while typing in what I was looking for
"Ok, but who are you looking for"
"You ask way too many questions, you know that right" I said giving him a glare
"I know" he said giving a smile
I rolled my eyes while smiling as well and went back to the computer, "Well if you must know, I am looking for a girl named Ashlie" I said
"Ashlie, what's here last name?" he asked
"I don't know" I responded
"Ashlie, Ashlie, I think I heard that somewhere... But, hold on can I see that for a moment" he said
I struggled and we switched spots, "When did she go missing?" he asked while in mid type
"Umm, I think 3 years ago"
"You think" he said turning to look at me
"Well what do you want me to do, go and ask her,"
"Ok, ok sorry" he said going back to typing
"Even if I did ask her she wouldn't know" I thought, while looked around the room to see if I could see something to help but of course I didn't see anything
"Found it" I heard Jon say
"What" I said looking back to see a news article open, "Wow, Jon. I'm impressed" I said while we switched seats again
"Well I have more talents than just yelling at things" he said sitting back in his chair
I put my arm up as if about to punch him and he fell back on the ground with a loud thud, "Ow" he said while rubbing the back of his head
I smirked and started reading the article while I heard Jon get up, "you did that purpose" he said
"What lead you to that conclusion" I said while still looking at the screen
I read the screen and it said same things that Ashlie told me but more formal.
Ashlie went missing a few hours after the police were called. Bystanders say that they last saw her outside the music store.
That caught my attention the second time I read it even though Ashlie told me about this. I went to google and looked up the what the music store was now. I saw that it was actually for sale, it went out of business about a year ago and has been abandoned ever since.
"Well at least you can be first in line" Jon said over my shoulder
"Never mind, maybe Ashlie could remember something there" I muttered to myself
"Nothing" I said
I logged off and got up to leave the building.
"Where you going" Jon said coming up beside me
"I'm going to go home and get some sleep so I can meet up with her and see what she found out" I said looking at the time
"Oh well that was fast" Jon said suspiciously
"Well that is all the info she gave me" I responded looking at him
"Info? Who is this person" he asked
"Let's just say she is a good friend" I said
"Oh boy he's being cryptic, worried mod engaged" he said with a smile
I just rolled my eyes and gave a small chuckle in response while I continued to walk.

Time Skip -

Ashlie's POV -

I looked over at Uni who was talking to Tommy while Nick laid on the ground with his legs against the tree. The sun was already setting and I kept trying to remember as much as I could when I disappeared but it was all a huge blur. I said I would try and get some info from the others but what if they find out, I told Tommy that if they did find out that I wouldn't say that he was involved but still. Well I don't have all night so might as well start asking,
"So guys, quick question" I said a very noticeable nervous tone in my voice
"Oh boy" Tommy said with a smirk on his face
I rolled my eyes and continued, "So I have been thinking about how I went missing and I can sort of remember my story to an extent but... what about you guys, I don't even know how you disappeared Nick." I asked
I saw Nick continue to stare at the sky while Uni looked at the ground with a questioning look on his face, while Tommy just stared at me blankly
"Well the last thing I remember was running in the forest and just blacking out" Uni said
"Running 'from' something or..." I asked
"No just, running" he said cutting me off
"Well for me I would say, just. Standing in an alleyway. I can't remember where or why but..." Tommy said scratching the back of his head
I looked over at Nick and he seemed to notice, "*sigh* Well you know back then I had tendencies to just "disappear' from time to time." he said
"Ya it drove mom nuts" I said laughing
I heard Nick also give a small laugh and saw a smile on his face as he started to sit up straight, "Well I don't know where I was but I just blacked out and woke up in the entity" he said folding his arms
We all looked at each other for a moment but then Uni had a look of realization on his face, "What" I said with excitement in my voice.
"I just realized something, ok umm. Tommy was the first to die right" Uni said quickly
"Well thanks for reminding me bud" Tommy said sarcastically
"Sorry, but then Tommy killed me, I killed Nick and you know the rest" Uni said while gesturing to all of us
"Ya" "right" Nick and I said at the same time
"Well if I am right about this I meet Tommy before any of you guys, then I found Nick and then we met Ashlie last" he explained
"Shut it Tom I think I know where he is going with this" I said while leaning forward with interest
"Well Tommy did you meat any of them before me" Uni asked
"No, you were the first one. I. met. OH MY GOD!!!" Tommy yelled just now realizing what Uni was talking about
"It's a pattern" Nick added
"But what does it mean" I asked
"Maybe we can think about it in the morning" Tommy said threw a yawn
"You know I would have thought that we would have been nocturnal with the whole daylight thing" I said while laying down
"Well maybe it is so we don't wake up to a burning sensation" Uni said while leaning against a tree
"Ya" I said looking up at the stares
I sat up and saw Nick leaning against a tree as well but he was awake and staring at the ground. So being the little sister I was meant to be I got up and sat next to him, leaning on his shoulder. I felt him lean his head on mine and I started to drift off.
"Good night Ash" I heard him say last second
"Night Nick" was the last thing I said before I felt asleep

(Ok so I have some things to tell you guys right now, nothing bad just a quick update. So I had to write this chapter in advance because as of this chapter being posted I am on a sort of vacation/ road trip. Now I know what some of you are thinking, "you're probably not going to be posting 'Element's of Peace and Chaos' Willow" but you are wrong. I have delayed chapters for that book and this book twice now and I feel really bad for it so I am going to be working on it a little and finishing it when I come back. I am going to be back on Thursday but I am going to be going on another road trip again next week, I will be going to Oregon to see some family up there and again as of posting this chapter I live in Ohio. Now I will let you see how far Ohio and Oregon are on a map of the USA... ya. So I will be working hard to get the chapters out for you guys on time because I am horrible at time managment X3, thank you for reading this have a nice day :D)

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