Moving On

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(Hey. It's been a while. I very long while- Got a long one for you guys today. Hope you enjoy ;))

"I would decide against going back to the main house." Dawn's voice was quiet behind him, much softer than it had been before.

Cory wondered briefly if Dawn was being quiet to avoid Tommy, or the crows that tended to give them away more than themselves.

"Ya, that is probably a good call." He agreed, "How about the cornfield again? There was a generator there we never got to finish either." They still needed to get the last one finished, it was almost a tease. All three of them were so close to getting away, but now only two remained.

He could almost sense the shake of Dawn's head, "That is going to be the first place he would look for us." Cory looked back at Dawn, his head was angled towards the ground, eyes half lidded and brows frowned in thought. "He knows we are going to be hiding."

What else would we be doing?

The thought caused a shiver to crawl down Cory's spine. He didn't let his mind dwell on that thought longer than needed. "So what do we do about that?" He asked once Dawn looked back to the path, "We can't stay out here in the open."

Dawn picked up his pace, walking past Cory, "We won't be in the open." Dawn looked to the tree's, scanning the area around them with a keen eye, "Follow me."

An unspoken, "Stay with me" was heard in Cory's mind, but it came out as more of a command. He took a sharp glance, and a quiet prayer, behind him before following it.


It was quiet in this area.

Something that seemed to be difficult to find within the Entity.

The walls surrounding them were made of the same rotting wood the house had been constructed from. It was not a comforting thought, since the house appeared to be falling apart at the seams.

Dawn had made him sit against one of the walls, wanting to check on his ankle again. It was the third time in their short walk, but he did not want to pry Dawn away.

He was just worried, Cory told himself. This was the best thing for Cory to do in order to ease his friends' worries.

Even if it had been just a small fraction.

They rested against a part of the wall that was a corner. It covered two of their sides, and it made Cory feel much safer than hiding behind the many side walls they had passed.

Dawn was careful when unwrapping his wound. He worked slowly to avoid hurting him, even if they both knew the world was not going to give them that kind of mercy. Cory had only seen Dawn be this delicate once before. Fixing an old computer he had not so smartly spilled water on was a task that required a lot of fragile patients that Cory himself did not have. "How's it looking Doc?"

Dawn looked up at him. His face was slack, blank, but after years of knowing Dawn, it did not require much to read the look in his eyes anymore. "I'm guessing you're feeling okay if you are already cracking jokes." He said tilting his head.

"I mean... It's kind of numb right now-" he couldn't tell if that was a good or a bad thing in this situation, "-if I'm being completely honest with you." Shifting his ankle to the side did not cause any strong pain to flare up his leg as it had before, a prominent stink remained around the site, but it was something he could easily ignore.

Dawn inclined his head, "That's alright for now." He continued to examine his ankle, light touches barely felt on the abused skin, "You can still run if needed, yes?"

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