But Keep Your Enemies Closer

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Uni's POV -

"So he's not going to tell anyone about us... right" I asked Tommy who was pacing back and forth

"Well he shouldn't, he promised not to but..."

"But you still don't trust him do you" I said

"Well, sort of. I want to trust him but something is telling me not to" he said

"Well I have only know him for a few hours and we didn't talk because I was trying to kill him" I said

"So did I but Ashlie stopped me before I could do any REAL damage" Tommy said

"What did you do to him?"

"You know, almost break his leg, nearly cut him in half, the usual" Tommy said with a mischievous smile creeping on his features

"Your evil, you know that Tom" I said smiling as well

"Not as evil as you" he said finally stopping his pacing and looking at me

"How so" I said in a sarcastic tone

"Well let's see, you were always the most exited to kill people in the entity, you injured Nick so bad that he bleed out and died and when he did die you put him on a hook anyways, when we left you wanted to kill a random hiker that passed by, and you basically helped Nick almost kill Cory but making him lose a TON of blood." He said counting his fingers

"...I don't remember any of that"


"How do you come up with those"

"Don't ask me, they just come to mind then BOOM. I say them out loud and BOOM, I end up

making someone laugh" he said sitting down in front of me

"Maybe it had something to do with the fact that you were the first to die" I said

"...please, don't talk about that" Tommy said softly

"...You ok" I put my hand on his shoulder

"Fine it was just, hard to deal with being dead and... alone for a while" he said looking at the ground

"Ya until you killed me" I said punching his arm

He scoffed and smiled, "Ya, sorry about that by the way" he said

"Whoa" I stood up with my hands up and started walking around, "Tommy, sorry about something. I think I really did die" I said

"Oh my god, it wasn't easy ok so don't get use to it." he laughed

I joined in his laughing as I saw Ashlie walk in the clearing, "hey Ashlie, what's up" I said

"Umm hi and do I even want to know" she asked

"Just going over some memories, nothing bad" I said

"Speak for yourself" Tommy said looking directly at me

"Anyways... How's Cory doing" I asked

She sat down, "He's ok, he looks like he is still a bit hurt but the doctors patched him up so he should be ok" she responded

"That's good to hear, and the next time you see him can you tell him I'm sorry about what happened" I said scratching the back of my neck

"I will make sure to tell him when I get a chance" she said

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