Past Mistakes

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WARNING - This chapter mentions depression and other things like it

Tommy’s POV -

Ashlie and I were going to where her and Cory usually meet. I’m not really sure why I am going to be honest with you but Ashlie seemed excited about it, and I meen REALLY excited. I have to admit though it is kind of nice to meet someone new, I remember I was so happy to find out that I wasn’t the only one trapped in the entity when I was alive. When I ran into Uni back then I was basically jumping for joy to know that I wasn't alone. But then when I died I felt lonely and scared again, I guess it's just normal for me.
“You ok Tommy” I faintly heard Ashlie said
“I’m fine just remembering stuff” I said
“Oh, about what?” she asked
“My death” I responded
“Oh… that” she said looking away
“Are YOU ok now” I asked
“Oh it’s just that well, I probably should have told you this a long time ago but...”
We stopped walking and I looked at her with concern
“Well I was there when you died, I saw it happen. And I could have saved you but… I didn’t” she said putting her hands together while staring at the ground
“I know, I saw you” I said
“What, you did?! You're not mad?” she asked
“No, well I was at first but the more I thought about it the more I realized that there was nothing you could have done” I said putting my hand on her shoulder
“But I could have tried to save you but, I didn’t… I couldn’t move” she said
“Like Uni” I said
She looked up at me in shock at this and I couldn’t blame her
“Uni was there to and when I killed him he told me about this, he was frozen to.” I said
She stayed silent for a bit before speaking, “I'm so sorry Tommy, I just wish I could have done something” she said with a few tears rolling down her face.
I grabbed her chin and tilted it up so she was looking at me, wiped her tear, and pulled her into a hug.
We were like this for a while before I released her
“Hey it’s ok Ash” I said
“Thanks Tom” she replied
We both smiled and continued walking

Time Skip -

We made it to the clearing and Cory was already there and I saw him smile at the sight of us
“Hey guys” he said walking up to us
“Hey Cory” Ashlie said giving him a small hug
“There’s the sugar” I said as they released each other
They both gave me a questioning look while I gave a soft chuckle
“Anyway, did you find anything” Ashlie said looking back at Cory
“Well not really but I have a sort of, crazy idea that could help you remember” he responded
“I'm starting to like this guy” I said
They both stared at me and I saw them both give a weak smile
“So what is this ‘crazy’ idea of yours” I asked walking closer to them
“Well it might get you burned but I think it could help” he said
“Wait are we going to...” Ashlie started to say
“Yes, yes we are” Cory said cutting Ashlie off because we both know what she was going to say
“You ok with that Tommy” Cory asked
I saw Ashlie turn around and give me the puppy eyes, “Ya, why not I could use a tan” I said starting to walk in a random direction
“Other way buddy” Cory said
“I knew that” I said while turning around
They caught up with me and we started to walk to the town with Cory leading us

Time Skip -

We were at the town but hiding behind some buildings in the shade so Ashlie and I wouldn’t get burned, we were also by a fence but it would have been better if it was a wall… So I could break it.
“Why are we here” Ashlie asked
“Better question, where are we” I said giving a smirk while Ashlie rolled her eyes
“We are at the place Ashlie went missing and I want to see if being here triggers something” he responded
“Ok well how do we get in” I asked
“Follow me” he said starting to walk further down the fence
We followed him and he pointed out some loose boards in the fence.
“I found these on the way but I can't get them to move” he said
“Ha, stand aside Carl I'll show you how it's done” I said summoning my sledge hammer
I raised it and swung at the loose boards. They came off and fell to the ground. We walked in and I saw a door so I walked over but I didn’t notice that there was no shadow.
“Tommy wait” I heard Cory say but it was too late
I hissed in pain as I went back to the shadow, holding my arms.
“You ok” Ashlie asked coming over
“Fine, just didn’t see that it ended” I said shaking my arms
I saw Cory go over to the door and try to open t but he couldn’t
“It’s locked” he said looking back at us
“I got this” I said going to the door again
Luckily the shdow was at an angle this time, I headed to the door staying close the the building this time.
Once I got to the door I kicked it. As I predicted it swung open, “Just call me the door man” I said wiping my hands as I walked in, followed by Cory and Ashlie.

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