The Trials Have begun

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Jon's POV -

Cory, Dawn, and I walked through the gate. I don't feel good about this but we don't really have a choice.

Cory had explained the basics to us and it was a bit confusing for me but Dawn was able to simple is down enough for me to understand.

"So they are your friends. Correct?" Dawn said

Cory stop walking and turned to look at him, "Yes..." He said, "Why do you ask?"

"It's just that..." Dawn stopped

"What?" Cory said, his eyes narrowing

"Are your sure they aren't..."

I started to panic, "What will happen when we're out!" I asked quickly in order to cut Dawn off

He stared at us for a moment before turning back around and walking off again.

"What was that for?" Dawn asked quietly

"I'm worried to but might want to think about how he is going to react first!" I silently yelled at him

"What are you talking about?" He asked

"What were you about to ask him." I said

"I was going to say, 'Are your sure they aren't just faking'" He responded

"And how do you think he would react once to say that?" I asked him

He stayed quiet

"That's what I thought." I said

"Are you two coming or what!" Cory yelled

I looked up from Dawn and saw him far ahead of us, "Coming!" I yelled beginning to run

"What were you guys talking about?" He asked as I started walking beside him

"Nothing important." I lied

"..." He was quiet, "Your not a good liar you know that right?"

I tensed up and I felt a bead of sweat drip down the side of my face

"You don't trust them." He said

"What!" I put my hands up, "N-No. That's ridiculous." I said running the back of my neck

"Jon." He said

"Ok maybe we are a bit worried but only because we didn't know them well and the first time we met them one of them was going to kill us." I said in defense

"I know you're just looking out for me." He said halting our progress to the gate, "But there good people."

"Then why did they almost kill you." Dawn said catching up with us

"What?" Cory asked

"When you got hurt. I'm guessing that wasn't just a simple mugging." Dawn said folding his arms

Cory eye's widened, "Umm... Ok that happened before I met all of them."

"What?" I asked

"I only knew Tommy and Ashlie at that point. Uni was that one that did the first part, Nick did the rest or rather most, of it." He responded

"Nick." Dawn said, "Who is this 'Nick' you keep mentioning?" He asked

"He's Ashlie's brother." Cory looked down, "And it's my fault that he's here so I need to fix this."

"Is that why you can here?" I asked

"Exactly." He said looking back up and resuming his walk to the gate

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