Following in the Shadows

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Uni's POV -

Ashlie stared at us with absolute terror in her eyes. My eye's were wide as well and I looked at the ground.

He went back?! Why? What the heck Nick! What is going on with him? First he almost kills Cory, then he disappears, then this.

I looked up at Tommy. His head is bowed and his eyes are glassy, like he is deep in thought. Ashlie was looking at the map, her scared eyes glazed over the paper, desperately looking for a sign that he didn't go back to that awful place.

My features hardened. I turned and went in the direction of the entity, "Uni?! Where are you going?!" Tommy asked snapping out of his trance

"I'm going to get him" I stopped and turned to them, "And if you have any scenes you will to!" I yelled

"Uni! Are you forgetting the fact that we will get trapped if we go there!" Ashlie said with annoyance lacing her voice

"I don't care Ashlie!" I yelled at her, "I am going to get him back if it's the last thing I do. With, or without your help" I said folding my arms

"Look Uni. Don't you think you're being a bit, I don't know. Irrational" Tommy said

"Are you kidding me!" I yelled, I have reached my limits at this point

"Uni just calm down!" Ashlie yelled back

"Calm down! I'm surprised that you're not going after him right now! He's your brother! Aren't you worried?!" I retorted at them

"Of course I am!" she protested, "That's why I'm going with you" She said as she floated over to my side

I watched her, satisfied, and glared at Tommy

He eyes moved back and forth between us, "Fine!" he groaned rolling his eyes

"I'm coming to" Cory said

"No your not" Ashlie said sternly

"What? Why!" he asked

"Not so fun fact Carl" Tommy started, "If you come, he will murder you"

"No dip Tommy!" Cory yelled, "Next thing you're going to tell me is that water is wet"

"Cory you can't come" I said tuning out my anger


"No buts" Ashlie interrupted, "You are going to turn around and go home while we deal with this"


"I'm sorry Cory. It's just too dangerous for you" I said, "We better go" I said turning to Tommy and Ashlie

They nodded and we started walking to the Entity. I looked back at Cory and saw worried features on his face as we walked further and further away from the clearing.

I felt bad for a moment but realized that if Nick was in the entity, he would be dead meat once he set foot in that awful place.

I turned back and looked up through the trees. The sky was a blend of orange, yellow, and blue. Indicating that the sun was setting. Perfect.

Time Skip -

We got to the open area surrounded by fog, I immediately felt uneasy as we laid eye's on the gate that lead to a place that was a beacon of darkness and despair.

I looked at the others, they looked upset as well but they held their ground and started walking up to the white mist. I stayed back a bit, hesitant, but joined them shortly.

The mist was slightly transparent so I saw that the metal doors were open. I felt my stomach turn as I heard the sound of a bell ringing in the distance.

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