Part 8

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"The one who doesn't risk the secure life for the insecure one, by following his dream, dies slowly." (Federica Bosco – In Love with an Angel).

I didn't even know if I managed to sleep at all the night before or I just slept and it was all just a dream. I was feeling confused and I knew I had to get up no matter what and hurry to the office as there was about to be an extremely busy day and I was expecting to go crazy very soon.

But what if all was just in my imagination and my mind just went completely crazy the night before? Or maybe I was on a certain edge of losing myself... I had to see that post once again, to be one hundred percent sure, so I picked up the phone and tried to check Instagram and the photo Laura told me about. My hands were shaking, my heart was beating with an incredible speed, again. And yes, it was there and so was my name. Oh, my God, it was happening! Also, I noticed that they were saying that each of the chosen attendees would receive a phone call in the next two days to be given all the information and details regarding the trip.

"This is real! What am I going to do now?" I said quietly to myself while I felt a tear was slowly going down my cheek and I knew happiness was going to bloom inside my heart. "Of course, you know what you have to do, you blonde kid – you're going to London for God's sake!"

"Yes! I am going! I am going!" – I was screaming in the house while I got up from my bed and went to the kitchen to prepare the breakfast. I ate in a hurry, had a shower, did my makeup and then drove to work and I didn't even know how I was doing all those, as I was more than a robot and my mind could not be focused at all at anything the life was offering me that day.

While in the car driving, I picked up the phone and even if it was early I decided to call and let Maria know. The phone was ringing and in a sudden she answered:

- Oh, good morning, my dear, what a lovely surprise! I was just having my coffee and thinking of the fashion show we're going to work for this weekend and I was even about to call you today and see what we can...

- Maria, wait, listen a bit! I said interrupting her from the plans she was revealing with so much enthusiasm. I can't talk too much as I am driving and the traffic is terrible, but I need to tell you something. Something very important that has happened to me last night and I cannot wait anymore, I need to share this with you. Because I know this has been given to me thanks to you and without you I would not be here. I love you very much, I need to tell you this before everything!

- Um, but what happened? She seemed more surprised than ever.

- Maria, in a week or so I'll be going to London for a makeup course which I've been selected for. It will last a week, I think, or maybe two, I don't even remember my name now, to be honest, but I can assure you I am so happy that I could fly. It was a competition organized by an English makeup artist which I admire a lot and I sent her some of my works which I've done during the years and it seems she appreciated my work I am! I don't have many details but, for sure, when I come back, I'll have many things to tell you! I don't know even what I need to do when I get there, what I need to prepare before; they'll call me in maximum two days and inform about everything.

- Girl, but this is an amazing news! And London – it is just wow! London has been like my second home for many years while I was studying for job. This is incredible! And I am very, very proud of you! I am glad you have finally decided to leave aside the shyness you always tend to have and trust yourself a little bit and...well, here's the result!

- Maria, I know, but am scared! I mean I am happy, so very happy indeed, but I will go there alone, I'll be by myself. There won't be people I know, and I have to confess I am shaking a little bit just thinking of it. In the same time, I know if I don't do this now, I might lose the opportunity of my life. It is funny somehow, you know, because it has all been taken like a game, so I have never imagined I might be one of the winners.

- You are one of the winners because you deserve to be one of them! Never doubt it! So, look, call me when you can talk more today or the next days so that we can put in place every detail for this. We have to make it big, no exception!


I didn't know how the day in the office went on. I wondered sometimes how the people around me didn't notice I lived in a parallel world lately. I had turned myself into an alien in the last weeks and then more than ever. My mind was filled up with only one thought - that I would be meeting Lou, that I would work with her and I would see London! I couldn't wait to arrive home and be just with myself, I needed to think, think. Of what... I had no idea, but I was happy, and I wanted to escape that building and start running on the streets and shout out so that everyone could hear me.

But I decided to remain calm and see what happened afterwards. Weird, but it seemed that in an instant, lately, I turned into the spectator of my own life and I simply watched it with wonder and emotions.

On the way back home, just as I turned on the key to the apartment, I heard the phone ringing and I felt my heart was going to explode because, as I looked on the screen, I saw the phone number was from United Kingdom. I could only tell myself to remain calm.

- Alo, good evening, yes please!

- Good evening, my name is Alicia Smith and I am calling you on behalf of Mrs Lou Teasdale, in regarding to the makeup course you're invited to attend here, in London. I am glad to meet you and congratulations first of all.

I listened to this lady speaking, asking my name and presenting me all the details about what should be done, and I felt inside of my heart that, as closer as I was getting to the event, the more connected I was to it and the happier and the more confident I became. As I was talking to her on the phone I didn't feel nervous anymore and I knew this was my destiny which I was ready to follow with courage. She managed to give me almost all the details, so I found out that it in a week I would be flying to London and, around noon, someone would be expecting me at the Heathrow airport and would be driving me to a hotel where it was planned to meet the team I would be part of. The idea was that during those ten days we had to work with Lou and she would teach us various things and we could get to visit many places and meet many people. Wait. Many people? What did she mean by "many people?" I wanted to ask, but I must confess that the first thing which came to my mind, of course, was that one day she might take us to meet 1D and maybe see the boys in a concert. I was dreaming, for sure, it would have been incredible, indeed, but I was sure this would not happen as our meeting had nothing to do with the band. I said to myself that I needed to stop dreaming once and for all, at least in those moments.


As by a miracle, during the next days I managed to solve everything left in my office and had everything packed for my trip. Luckily, at work, they all understood that, apparently, I was facing an emergency (I smile just thinking of it) and so, I somehow took two weeks free from work.

However, there I was, I was getting in the taxi. The day had come.

- To the airport, please, I told the taxi driver and, as we were driving along, I looked through the window and a certain feeling was covering my heart. I felt that I was leaving behind a life which had nothing to do with what would happen to me from then on, I felt new and fresh, happy and relieved.

As the plane took off, I felt that was a new beginning, it seemed like a door which opened in front of me and which invited me inside to discover a new world. A world which I couldn't even dare to dream about some months before and I didn't know if it was what I had been waiting for my entire life, but, at least, it was worth trying and seeing what would happen.

Strange was that I felt like a character in my own story and I smiled - no emotions anymore, I was not nervous, I was just exited and willing to discover what tomorrow could bring into my life.

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