Part 21

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"You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great."

The next day, Klaire was waiting for me and Lou in her apartment situated in the center of London, while she was enjoying her everyday coffee, which, as I was about to find out later, she could not live without. She rented this apartment long time ago, almost when she started to work as PR for One Direction. She was coming from Scotland and moved to London because Lou wanted her by her side all the time during One Direction events. 

The apartment wasn't a big small one, but immediately as I got inside, the smell of fresh brewed coffee hit me, and I had the impression I instantly stepped somewhere back in time. Having in view the whole house was decorated in a vintage way, with old furniture and everything, I couldn't stop my amazement when I noticed her tastes which, incredibly, were very similar to mine.

Klaire was very casually dressed, she had dark hair and kind eyes and I noticed she and Lou had a very special relationship. As it could be seen they were close friends. She looked at me and smiled and I could feel she was a kind woman, very warm and friendly.

- You must be the new girl from the crew, she said shaking my hand. My name is Klaire and I will be your...let's say guide through all this journey you're going to live from now on. I think I will be taking care of you more than Lou herself, she said and winked at Lou. This because our girl here tends to have a bohemian attitude sometimes and she needs my realism from time to time... Anyhow, come on in, have a sit. Should I bring you some coffee? Oh, and I have just baked some delicious cookies, like I used to bake for my family back in Glasgow. You need to check them out, both of you.

As I sat down, I saw Lou and Klaire talking as if they were sisters. Lou was very familiarized with Klaire's apartment and, from time to time, she used to look at me and smile. I have always felt Lou wanted me integrated as much as possible in their group and this made me feel relaxed and happy. I just wasn't that kind of person who would just jump in into other people's conversation and I tended to be more reserved until I got used to everyone. Lou noticed this from the very beginning and she told me it was one of the things she most appreciated at me.

I was sitting on the old couch, thinking of how much my life had changed in the last period and I knew that without this comfort I was constantly receiving from Lou, I probably would not have made it. Also, I could not stop looking around and notice the way Klaire used to decorate her house. The old massive bookshelf, full of books, the piano that must have weighted a lot, the old chairs and the round table in the middle of the living room, made me remember that this was exactly how I would have liked my house to look like as well. I know it was not very polite to watch, so I tried to not do it too intensely, so, instead, I turned out to the two girls in the kitchen talking and laughing around.

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