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♡ Eren's POV ♡

5 years later

"Please check your e-mail if you have recieved a message. If you have, please make your way to the boss's office. Thank you."

Everybody logged into their e-mail, a lot of people sighing in relief. I clicked into my mail, noticing a note. I clicked on it.

Hello, this is your Boss.

If you have recieved this message, you are the top ten people who are going towards a new management. Please, pack the things you need and head to my office.


I groaned. I sat back on my chair, looking at the message.

"So, you're moving," Alia said, putting her head on the edge of my chair.

"I believe so," I groaned once more. "I'm surpsied I'm in the top three." I looked around my desk, taking the necessary things. I grabbed my papers, my mac book, two pen, and my ID card.

"It's gonna be lonely without you," Alia weakly smile. Her eye bags, without saying, you could tell she's been awake very long.

"You usally ignore me, you'll survive," I chuckled. "Bye Alia." I waved.

Walking off my floor, people stared at me in disbelief. People whisper rude comments and some of the girls were commenting my looks. I roll my eyes, then took a turn to the elevator.

I think I have some good hearing senses or either people don't know how to whisper. I sigh, walking in the open elevator.

"Good morning Eren," Markel, an upper business man, greeted. I waved a little at him. Markel was indeed taller than me. "You also going to the boss's office?"

I nodded.

"What number are you in?"

I looked up at Markel, making three of my fingers out.

"Really? I'm fourth," he grinned. I weakly smiled, but turn back to the elevator when it dinged.

Two guys came in. "Eren, Markel," Mayne gave us a sturdy nod.

"Mayne, Raynard," Markel smirked.

We all were stuffed in this small compact elevator, me being the shortest, I was squished.

After some time going up, we finally reached the Boss's floor. We got out in a file. There were three people in the room, two were girls and one of them is a boy. We lined up shoulder to shoulder and I looked up. Beside boss was a tall man.

He looked familiar. Really familar.

I gulped, taking a closer look. My eyes widen, my things almost drop, but I gripped on them.


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