♡ Chapter Six ♡

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"What?" Reiner smirked. He had sent Alrik away, leaving us alone for the time being. "Stop looking at me... Like that."

I glared at him as how Levi glared. It was pretty intimidating, but no one does it better than Levi himself.

"What do you want with me?"

Reiner layed back on the chair. "Nothing much, just want to negotiate things," I cocked brow and he rolled his eyes.

"Negotiate what?"

"Mikasa and Levi matters," he grinned. I twitch a little, but I instead plastered a surprised look.

"What do you want with them?"

Reiner put both his hands in front of him. "Hey, hey, it's just some friendly talk," he chuckled.

"There is nothing friendly when it comes to talking to you!" I raise my hands up.

"Look, I will give you Mikasa, but in exchange, I kill Levi," Reiner shrugged, still holding onto that smile. "Or, I will give you back Levi, but in exchange, I kill Mikasa. Or, I set both Levi and Mikasa free, in exchange of your life."

I gasped and Reiner saw since he smirked. "So, what would it be?"

♡ Levi's POV ♡

"You're free to go," the guard said once I woke up. I was takenaback since the twins never let their prey go.

"What do you mean?" I pull the covers off me and walk towards the bars.

"Someone said they'll give their life up for yours. That's what the main boss said," the guard opened the door and I couldn't even move.

Eren. "Who was the person?" I feel my heart drop down to my stomach.

"Don't know," he shrugged. "Big boss just said someone, no specific name." The guard just sighed. "Anyways, you're free to go."

I wouldn't move, so the guard took my hand and started dragging me out. Already pissed, maybe knowing who it was already, I pushed the guard away.

"Don't fucking touch me!" I tell him, my eyes giving a blue glow.

His eyes showed fear. "Want me to remove your fear?" I smirk. He only coward to the corner of the room, but I showed no mercy. My hands wrapped around his neck, he's squirming, yelling for me to stop.


I let the guard down. I sit on the dirty ground and started to scream and cry.  It hurts. It hurts really bad.

The guard ran away, leaving me in the room.

"Levi..." I heard this voice before. I look up and saw him. His rough footsteps ran towards me and held me tight in a hug. "It really is you." He cried.

"You took your life just to set me free?"

He nodded.

"You idiot!" I scold. "You know what they'll do to you? They're gonna rape you! You wouldn't last a day!"

"I know," he calmly said. "I know the terms and conditions already."

"You're a big idiot!" I cried.

"You need to get out, now," Eren commanded.


Eren cups my face with his small hands. "Levi, you need to go,"


Eren kissed my lips. The air sparked and the darkness became lighter. "Levi, you have to go,"

"Don't want to,"

"I'm scared," he says. "But it's my turn to serve for five years."

"I'm gonna kill them..."

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