Chapter Nine

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- I'm doing a new style? I'm updating? Wow, who is this person?!-

Chapter Nine: Soft Side? Aamon and Sebastian?

"If you win, you live. If you lose, you die. If you don't fight, you can't win."
- Eren

After another hour or two, Sebastian had picked us up. Aamon sat in the passenger while I took a seat in the back. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I miss Sebastian. Not long after, I had fell asleep. I remember waking up to the voice of Aamon and Sebastian talk, I was still in the car, but this wall was paper thin.

"If we find your body, you can transfer back!" Sebastian argued.

"Sebastian, I'm a spirit of the underworld. I'm trapped in his body. Even if we do find my body, we still need a warlock," Aamon's voice felt as if he had given up. And what was this conversation about anyways? Aamon has a body? I am just so confused right now.

"Warlocks are so fucking hard to find nowadays," Sebastian groaned. "We're going to need a witch instead."

"Oh hell no!" Aamon protested, shaking his head. "We are not going to ask that bitch!"

"Exactly. You are going to apologize and ask, once we find your body, that is,"

Aamon sighed loudly. He was under so much pressure and what the fuck were they talking about? Aamon being a spirit of the underworld? Witches were real? It's making me question what Sebastian was? Was he also a demon?

"I'm going to take Eren into Levi's room. This conversation isn't over," he warned. Before he grabbed a hold onto me, I swear he gave Sebastian a kiss. No, it was probably just my mind. Yeah, definitely. Aamon and Sebastian definitely weren't a thing. Or maybe they were. I don't know.

Aamon carried me bridal style. Sebastian followed behind, it was quiet though. For sure Aamon knew I was awake, not only because he purposely drop me onto the floor, but he said: "Stop acting, I know you heard our conversation."

"So..." I awkwardly stare at the two guys hovering over me. "You two a couple?"

Sebastian groaned while Aamon snickered.

"Who's top and who's bottom?"

Once again, Sebastian groaned while Aamon snickered. Maybe they do 69? They both look like they both top. Well, Sebastian acted more submissive, but mostly acted dominant, while Aamon always acted serious and weird. Hey! Aamon is in Levi's body, so wouldn't that mean if they were to have sex, Levi is actually having sex with Sebastian? Oh shit, oh no, Levi is only for me. 

"You guys aren't going to have sex, right?" I questioned while I raised one of my eyebrows. 

"Of course not, I don't want a beating from Levi... again," Sebastian said quietly.

"There's a reason why he wants my body back, just so we could have sex. He may not look like it, but he gets horny easily," Aamon whispered the last part. I chuckled.

"Wait, I have to ask a question!" I pop up. "Are there such things as witches?!"

Sebastian and Aamon looked at each other. "Every supernatural creature you've heard of are real. I'm a demon called Aamon. Sebastian is a akuma. Serves under me."

"What's an akuma?" I asked.

"A demon who serves a human in return for their soul," Aamon says.

"But aren't you dead? Shouldn't a contract be broken? You are a spirit after all. In addition, you aren't human, you're a demon. So how does this whole thing work?" Sebastian only looked at me, while Aamon gave me a derp expression.

"See what I mean? He asks a lot of questions," Aamon whispered towards Sebastian, and he only agreed. 

"No, I am totally not standing right here,"

"I'm Aamon, the strongest demon. I control Akumas, and a certain akuma caught my eyes, so I made him my personal slave," he explained.

"Oh~~" I nodded as if I understood what he just said. I did not know what he said.

"God fucking dammit, Levi told you nothing about himself, has he?" Aamon groaned, glaring at Sebastian.

Sebastian raised his hand in surrender. "What?!"

"You didn't teach him anything," Aamon sighed. "You honestly suck... and swallow." Aamon smirked and Sebastian only coward in embarrassment.

"Keep it pg-13 please, thank you," I laughed. I can't believe I'm seeing it, Sebastian's soft side. And the thing is, only Aamon could bring it out. Fuck Levi, come to your senses faster.

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