♡ Chapter Four ♡

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♡ Eren's POV ♡

"A WEEK AND YOU DECIDE TO TELL ME NOW?!" I yelled, making it echo through out the apartment. Armin seemed shocked since he barely sees me like this, but horse face was just chilling. "Okay, start from the beginning on how everything began!"

Armin nodded and started.


♡ Armin's POV ♡

Well, it all started when Mikasa was really mad. Annie and her have a real tight friendship, so when Annie started dating Reiner, Annie always hung out with him. Mikasa always came home pissed and she would start slamming doors. She'd wake up and be a grump. She can't even control her own strength anymore!

I mean, when we have breakfast, you know how I love using glass cups right?! Well, we were eating breakfast and when she grabbed onto the cup, it shattered. Eren, it shattered! Shattered into a million pieces.

"Opps," Mikasa said in a bored tone. She stood up from her seat and walked in the hallway. She slam her bedroom door open and slammed her door closed. I wince as the house rattle a little.

Then, there was this one day where Jean and I were going on a date. We were just walking around until we saw Reiner and Annie together. They were sharing a piece of cake together, but what caught my attention was Mikasa. She was sitting five seats away, just staring at them like she wants to kill them.

I didn't bother it to much, but it was a month and it continued happening. Annie would sometimes invite Mikasa to join their date and Mikasa would say yes. All I see in Mikasa's eyes were "I'm gonna kill Reiner" signs! Eren, she went psycho!

Jean and I had the plan to invite her to go to the club with us and a couple of other people and she said yes.

Even from three blocks away, we could still hear the booming music.

"Is Reiner and Annie here?" Mikasa asked, getting out the car.

"No, Mikasa. It's just us and a couple of other people," I smiled at her. "Today is your escape!"

(Eren: *laughs hysterically* more like kidnap! That day was not her escape!)

Shut up and let me continue!

Anyways, once we got inside, we all decided to stick together. We went to the bar and got some drinks. And you know me and my low alcohol tolerance, I got drunk very easily! I left Mikasa by herself! I'm such a bad friend!

Jean and I were dancing like there was no tomorrow. When I turned to look at Mikasa, a couple guys in black suits were carrying her ragged body.


♡ Eren's POV ♡

Black suits? When I last saw Levi five years ago, those men also wore black suits. Could it be... they're chasing the Ackerman blood line?

Rivaille Savior,  if you're really Levi Ackerman, I need you right now.

I stood up, getting a weird stare on Armin's face.

"Eren?" Armin asked.

"I have to go somewhere," I grabbed my coat. "I need to think about some things." Armin grabs my hand as I head out.

"Where to?" He asked out of curiosity.

I smiled. "Home,"

I start my car and drove towards Levi's house. I need to talk to Sebastion, he seemed to know a lot about Levi's life.

*5 years ago*

"Levi's always been a troubled kid," Sebastion started. "When he was born, his parent's were owned to a guy named Alrik and Endrick. He was mostly in Adal's care."

My eyes widened. "The pervert Adal?"

"I see, so you met him," Sebastion gave a small smirk. "Growing up, Levi started working as a slave. Alrik, Endrick and Adal would always make a move on him. Sometimes when his parent's were in the yard, the three of them would rape him. But then, he met Isabel."

I cocked a brow. "Isabel?"

"His first friend. She risked her life to save him. She promised Levi an eternity to protect him, but an enternity for her wasn't long," Sebastion gripped onto the steering wheel.

"What do you mean?"

"Everyday, when Levi came home, his mom had all these bruises and scars. Levi didn't care for it... until he saw the reason why she had those bruises and scars. Multiple guys, including his father, was raping her. When he saw it, he went ballistic. Something triggered him, which made him kill most of the guys," Sebastion took a big sigh. "When Alrik found out a slave killed most of his men, he asked Levi if he wanted to learn how to fight. Levi, wanted to kill all those men who raped his mother, so he said yes."

"It was only a month and he was already one of the best fighters. He was only nine Eren. He was raped, he was a slave, he was a killed at age nine. One day, when he came home, his mother was gone, while his dad was home. Levi acted as if nothing happened, but when his father was sleeping, Levi killed him. Once Alrik found out Levi was still killing the guys, Alrik made him into a sex slave. Levi gave in, he had to be punished, so he became Alrik's sex slave. When Isabel found out by rumor, she had to convince Levi to stop. But, that only got her killed. Levi wanted to stop, but when Alrik killed his only friend in front of him, he snapped. He showed no more emotions, his eyes told his whole life. How broken he was, how sad he was, how everything in his life has fallen."

"That day when Alrik killed Isabel, Levi had to escape the place. So, he took his mom, packed some clothes and escaped. It took a lot of work and time, but I also wanted to escape. I was one of the guards, so I knew the way around. We escaped quietly and safely. We first started out poor, but Levi's mom selled her body. I got a part time job and Levi was on the streets asking for money. When we saved enough for an apartment, his mom got a job, I got a job and Levi went to school. You know, Eren..."

I looked at Sebastion who was focused on driving. "What?" I croaked. All this information was slowly going inside my head. Every small information, every small word.

"Do you remember the first time you saw Levi?"

It was in the fifth grade. "Yes,"

"Thank you, Eren. Levi use to be a rock, but when his eyes caught on you, it was like his emotion started coming back. He got jealous when you were touching other boys. He smiled more because he thought of you. He hung out more with his mom. Everything changed because of you, I want to thank you," I looked at Sebastion closely now. Tears were falling down. "But now, Alrik has him again and there's no way he can escape."


I got out of my car and stormed towards the entrance. I banged on the door multiple times.

"Eren?!" Sebastion was so shocked to see me.

"Yeah, hi, I need to talk to you!"

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