Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven: Survived

"The only thing we're allowed to do is to believe that we won't regret the choice we made."
- Levi Ackerman

Rico offered us some drinks, but they sounded kind of weird. Sex on the Beach, Barking Spider, Salty Chihuahua, and I declined. Sebastian told me they were cocktails at the end, and I'm not much of a drinker.

Rico stirred her drink and took a sip. "So, you want me to locate your body and then put you into your body?" Aamon nodded. "No can do, I'm very old."

"But you're strong," Aamon argued.

"And you don't look old. Aren't you like twenty-something?" I say and only got laughed at. Rico look at me with a smirk.

"I like him," she points at me.

"He's taken by me," Aamon realized what he just said and started stuttering. "N-No! Not by me, by Levi. By Levi, that's wh-what I mean!"

"You're human," Rico asked, but sounded more like a statement. I nodded, but then Aamon got her attention. Rico was kind of creepy, the interior of her house was really dark like a vampires, and the exterior of her house looks like something from IT. If I were to come here alone, I think I would be very scared. Just by looking at the house could make me piss my pants. Aamon and Sebastian are two strong monsters that I know who would protect me.

"Look old lady," Aamon started and instantly got a glare from Rico, "please just locate my body."

Rico observed Aamon to see if he was just lying about his sincerity, then with a final sigh, she motioned us to follow her. I look at Sebastian and he just nods, what the hell does that even mean. I was still holding onto his tail coat, so wherever he went, I went. The force that Rico has was very powerful, not even a human being could withstand it, as you can tell.

We follow Rico into a room. It was very messy, there was a pizza box on the ground, clothes scattered everywhere, including some dirty dishes, broken pieces of glass, it didn't bother Rico, Aamon, and Sebastian at all. The smell, I mean.

Rico bent over and unlatched a trap door. She went in and we all followed her. It was dark from what I see, the walls were dusty and the stairs creaked at every step we made. I was sure the staircase would break just from holding all of our weigh.

"Now where is it?" Rico began to touch the air around her. I didn't really understand what she was doing until she found the switch for the lights. "Welcome to my lab."

This place was way different. It was actually clean. Everything was at its spot, the counter tops were reflection clear, the tiled floors were even squeaky clean. If you were to put the upstairs and basement side by side, it was hard to tell that they were in the same house. I was amazed, but it didn't leave the three of them speechless. They probably come in here all the time, but maybe not.

"Now, if you guys put yourself to use, help me find the map of Hades," she shooed us off. What was "The Map of Hades"? All I know is Google Maps, unless The Map of Hades is the underworld map. Nope, don't believe it.

We look high and low, cabinet through cabinet, and can you believe that dumb map was in the mini fridge? Aamon decided to be sneaky and get some food, while leaving the rest of us starving. He opens the fridge and sees nothing but a map.

"Hey, um, I found the map," he announced while he got up from the ground.

"Oh yeah~~," Rico started to snicker. "I remember being hungry and leaving that in there. Dumb, old me."

"Yes, very dumb," Aamon cleared his throat and then started to unroll the map.

"Wait, what were you doing in the fridge?!" Rico asked.

"I don't know. What was I doing?" Aamon smirked.

Sebastian wasn't moving, I tug on his shirt like a little kid, but he didn't respond. That's when I noticed Sebastian's face, it was sad.

I nudged him. "What's wrong?" I asked, and that was when I got his attention. He shook his head, and then gave me his charming smile.

"Nothing, young master. Shall we go?" I knew it, Sebastian was jealous. But why? Did Aamon and him get into a fight? They get along fine, I mean, they both roast me as if that was fun. Aamon may not act like it, but I know he's a very nice guy. I know he wouldn't like another person.

We arrive to the counter where Aamon had placed the map.

"Give me your hand," Rico motioned Aamon. Aamon obeyed, giving his hand to her. "Why the heck are your hands so soft?" She investigates his hand and I find myself chuckling. I wonder the same thing, too. He does so much, but not a single callous on his hands. Something I'm jealous about him, he can do so much and not give up.

"Are you going to start your ritual or not?!" Aamon growled.

"Sheesh, sorry," Rico rolled her eyes. She pulls out a knife and I hide behind Sebastian, I'm not good with blood. She cuts Aamon's hands and lets the blood drip onto the map. She got enough blood on the map, so she just pushed his hands away. She started saying things in Latin or Greek, which kind of scared me because everything started shaking. Sebastian saw how shaken I was, so he put an arm around me for comfort. Aamon saw my discomfort, so he sneakily went to my side and held my hands. 

Levi's hand.

"No way," 

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