♡ Chapter Three ♡

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♡ Levi's POV ♡

"Get off of me!" I yelled as Alrik hops on top of me, pinning my hands on my sides.

"Well, maybe if you behave better, I wouldn't have to punish you," he grinned. "But, I'm glad you're misbehaving!" He winked at me, pulling my shirt off of me. "Shit, I missed this body of yours."

I winced as he licked my chest. This did not feel good.

"Hey, Levi, remember back in the golden days, we use to have so much fun? I'd tie you up--" he put my hands above of my head, "and I'd torture you--" he used his free hand to massage my dick, making me moan, "and then you'd whine for more whenever I stopped."

"Stop... it," I kicked him, making him back up. I got up, but he pinned me down again.

"Now, Levi, that's the part where you messed up on!"

This happened quite often. I'd succeed escaping, but in no time, Alrik and Enrick was always a step a head of me. I'd refuse anything he gave me, but then he'd punish me again. When Alrik and Enrick was out to Italy or Newyork for work, his men would rape me or even try to kill me. It was the worse.

It became worser when they started using me as practice. Rock. Throwing. Practice. See, when they throw, three rocks equals as a bullet shot, so I'm use to the pain of a bullet shot.

I was used for
♡ sex
♡ practice
♡ prositution
♡ bait for assassination

It happened for 5 years. I had to change my name, forget about people in the pass and forget about my love. The thing is, I did some research on Eren. I knew where he was working at, so I made myself a head director and made Eren into my business. I had to see him. Even if it meant Alrik was gonna kill me, I had to see Eren's face.



I continued looking at my screen, reloading the page once in a while to see if I received any new messages.


"Hm?" I turn my head towards the owner of the voice. I saw Eren standing at the opposite side of my desk, smiling with a file of papers in his hands.

"These are the files Markel told me to give you," he handed me the file, so I unfolded my hands and grabbed it. I flipped through the file and nodded.

"Thank you,"

"Mhm," he smiled, going back to his desk. For sure my heart just throbbed; in a good way, too. I masked away my feelings with a bored expression. I know Alrik's men were out there looking at me. Every move I made, every step I took, everything will be reported. Any interaction with Eren, he will die in a matter of seconds. Any interactions out of work, I mean.

If he dies, of course I'm gonna go god-mode and kill all Alrik's men; including his three gangs. Then, I'll kill myself to be with Eren.

I hate this. I hate myself. I hate everything. I hate meeting Eren. I hate knowing Eren. I hate everything in life. It's all my fault. Eren could die any moment, because of me. As my dad always said to me, everything always ends up being my fault.

In a blink of an eye, work was already finished. Everybody was packing their papers and whatever they brought and headed towards the elevator. Good thing Eren already left, wouldn't want the brat getting hurt.

The elevator door opened, so I stepped in. There was an eerie silence while the background music started playing a little lullaby tune.

Hitting the lobby floor, I headed out. Alrik's men were already out front, ready to escort me back to Enrick's place. Let me explain, Alrick is the elder twin and Enrick is the younger, more hornier twin. They switch off every week, so this week I'm with Enrick. I never thought I was able to say this, but Enrick might be the one. Yes, he must be the one. I hate Alrick a lot, a bunch, more than anything. But, I might hate Enrick more than Alrick.

"Mr. Ackerman," one of them said, opening the door. I rolled my eyes and went inside. Sitting beside me was Enrick and I really wanted to smack that ugly smug look off of him.

"You did good today, Levi. I'm proud of you," Enrick pat my head, but I shoved him.

"Stop touching me," I glared at him. Enrick laughed, but then glared back.

"You're a sweet one, aren't you?" He smirked, but I only ended up looking out the window. As the car started to drive off, I could feel the tense of Enrick's glare on my back. I gave a loud sigh but kept my stare at the window. Driving pass, I see Eren. He was with Markel, but he only nodded and had a bored expression while Markel was laughing. I rolled my eyes out of jealousy and balled my hands.

"So, Eren must've found your replacement," Enrick smirked and put his large hands on my thighs, making me tense up.


♡ Eren's POV ♡

"But you gotta admit, the boss is pretty hot!" Markel said, stretching his arms up in the air. "How'd I get so lucky?! Maybe I'll try to sleep with him. I heard he's pretty rich. Those body guards that were in front of the complex, I heard they were for Rivaille! He's pretty tall, too!"

"Mhm," I heaved a sigh and Markel stopped talking and looked at me.

"I'm sorry, do you love Rivaille, too?"

I shrugged. "Maybe. I don't really know,"

"Hey, when we met two years ago, didn't you say you have a boyfriend?! Did you guys break up?!" I smiled at Markel's question. Did we?

"Who knows," I looked up at the blue sky. "He's out there... somewhere."

"So you guys didn't?" Markel cocked brow. I rolled my eyes and continued walking, leaving Markel speechless and frozen. "You're confusing me!"


"Hey Armin," I casually waved and continued walking towards my bedroom. I jolt up and ran back to the living room. "Armin?!"

"Hey!" Armin jumped in my arm and hugged me really tight. I look pass him and see horse face.

"Why is Jean here?" I frowned.

"Reiner and I broke up about three years ago and now me and Jean are dating!" Armind explained and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "Hey, at least my boyfriend didn't disappear."

"Shut up," I pout. "Anyways, how'd you get in here and why are you here?"

"Mikasa's disappeared," Jean bluntly said, wrapping his arm over Armin's shoulder. "We were at a club and next thing you know, she disappeared like air."

"I still don't get why you guys are here and explain how you got into my apartment!"

"You always hide an extra key under your doormat and we need help finding her!" Armin seemed to be overreacting. Mikasa is capable of taking care of herself, I mean, for sure she was stronger than me.

"How long has it been since her disappearance?"

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