♡ Chaptet Five ♡

473 14 3

♡ Eren's POV ♡

Sebastian visibly gulped. "I don't think it's a very good time to come inside right now,"

I glared at Sebastian. "Look, all I need are some answers to my questions,"

"Now, now," he gave a half smile. "Eren, you can't come at the moment. Even if I have to hurt you. It's orders."

"Orders from who?" I stood on my tippy toes to almost reach his height.

"I may ask you kindly, please leave right at this momemt," he fought the annoyed look and plastered a smile. I knew he was hiding something, something big, something secretive.

I walked passed him. "What are you hiding?" The house looked empty. The family picture that were hung weren't there anymore. There was a picture on a table, but someone cut Levi out. No, someone ripped him out.

My heart was breaking.

"Where's Levi?" I questioned, slowly moving back. Sebastion's hand was out as he also moved towards me in a slow pace.

"Eren, I don't want to hurt you,"

"Where's Levi?!" I yelled in frustration. My heart was thumping as he got closer to me. Safe spot. Safe spot. I turned around and ran towards Levi's art room.

As I opened the plain white door, I broke into a million pieces. His drawings and paintings were all torn and shredded. His paint was smeared against the wall. His brushes were broken into small pieces.

I drop onto the floor when I saw the canvas.

"Eren?" Sebastions calm voice called. He looked at the canvas, but he smiled.

The canvas had a sketched drawing of Levi and I. He and I were smiling while listening to some music.

"Where is he Seb?" I questioned. I haven't blinked yet, my eyes were to focused on the drawing, afraid it might disappear if I do blink.

"I... I don't know," he walked towards the canvas. "There was a day that he came to visit his mom. He drew a picture of his mom and me, then he went straight here and tore every drawing. He was furious, angry, mad, he was something I have never saw since he was god."

"Sebastion," I called out, my tears already racing down. "Levi is alive, right? And most importantly, he's in this house right now, right?"

Sebastion's eyes widen slightly. "That is correct," he nodded slowly. "But you shouldn't be seen with him or shouldn't even be talking to him."

I don't care.

I stood up from my spot and ran out the room. Where is he? Checking every room, opening each and every door. Where are you?!

Thump. Thump.
Thump. Thump.

"Eren?" His soft gentle voice say in such a painful tone.

I drop down to my knees, my hands at my heart. Beat goddammit. His rough, but soft, footsteps run towards me.

"Eren!" He yells, his gentle hands smack my face. "Oi, idiot! Wake up!"

"You're..." I heaved a smile while my hands caressed his cheeks, "...alive."


My eyes slowly flung open, meeting an unfamiliar ceiling. I start to lift myself up, but was immediately shot back down when my head started to twinge.

I groan as I put my hands onto the side of my head. "Fuck," I moaned.

"You're awake," a unfamiliar voice say. I fought the pain and looked at the direction the voice came from. Ash brown hair, golden brown eyes, fair tan skin, he looked kinda hot.

"Who are you?" I seem to mumble.

"My name is Alrik, must've heard of me, correct?"

So, he's the guy who raped Levi. I'm over him now.

"Yes," I nodded. Alrik walked towards the bed and put his hands onto my cheek.

A smirk formed onto his lips. "No wonder why that little cock sucker was so into you," he scoffed. "You're pretty cute for a 23 year old."

"You don't look bad yourself for being a sixty year old,"

His face falls. "I'm only forty two,"

"Like I said, you don't look bad for a sixty year old. No wrinkles, no back pain, no gray hair, all you have is the attitude of a grumpy old man," I rolled my eyes.

Alrik straightens his tie and glares at me. "You have a death wish, don't you?"

I smiled innocently. "You could say that," my eyes left his to look around the room. This was definitely not a hospital. "One question, one answer."


"Where am I?"

"My place," he said shortly.

"You live in a sex chamber?" I burst out a laugh. "What do you do with your life?!"

Alrik definitely had enough of me, because next thing you know, his fist were already flying towards my face.

"Touch him and you die,"

Oh finally a voice I recognize! Thank Thor for... Reiner?!

"Hello, Eren," he smirked.

"What are you doing here?!"



Guys I rushed into this because my dead line was 11:59 pm. It's currently 12:31 am where I live at, so a new day! If you see any mistakes, I will fix that later.

I won't be posting more frequently because I go to school today. I'm suppose to be sleeping, but I had to finish this for ya'll. Guys, I'm sorry for the wait. I MEAN IT!!

OOOO, did you guys expect to hear about Reiner? Since he's the bad guy in season two of Shingeki No Kyojin, I thought to myself, why can't he be a bad guy here?! Boop.

IG: @/_vronnie

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