Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen: 

"So I thought I heard dirt moving around in the shape of an idiot. So it was you?"
- Levi Ackerman (our [or possibly only mine] fucking dad)

I was beat enough. No matter how much I try to finish them off more of them just keep coming. My body is aching and it's even worse that my cut wasn't healing like it's suppose to. I've questioned it for a long time, but I finally figured it out in the five minutes I realized the cut wasn't healing. I wasn't in my body, I was in a human's body. I couldn't realize it sooner, but it's good thing Levi's body could take on this much stress.

With my power, I froze everyone. I was tired, I wanted to rest. As everyone stood frozen, confused why they weren't moving, I fell onto my knees.

"Give me my body!" I scream. My head felt as if the room was rotating around me. "I said, give me my fucking body you fucking asshole!"

Hades chuckled, coming out of thin air. In his arms was my body. I was lifeless, but it was only because my soul wasn't in the body, so it should be fine.

"You want your body?" He chuckled once again.

"That's why I'm here," I groaned, the cut was hurting like a bitch. Blood was slowly going out of this body, he can't take this anymore. 

"You sure are strong now, my son," he smiled. I gasp, he genuinely smiled. I never thought he would smile again. He walked towards me, slowly and gently. His hands were trembling slightly, he's lying. I stood up, ready for combat. "I see you've figured me out."

"Of course father," I smirk. "Now, good bye father, don't even think about bringing me back!"

As I unfroze everyone, Sebastian popped out of this black hole and grabbed me.

"Don't let him get away!" Hades yelled. He wondered why I would leave without the body, but this was only my plan. He fell right into it, just like my puppet he'll always be to me. When he look down onto his arms where my "suppose" body was, it had crumbled into dirt. Sebastian grabbed my arm and swung me into his warp hole, making us teleport to Rico.

Let me explain it. As I enter the building, I distract Hades while Sebastian teleport Rico into the room my body was stored. I wasn't stupid enough to know that my father has the ability to become invisible, so the whole time I was beating his minions, he was watching. Rico and Sebastian had already took my body, so the one in Hades's arms was just a stunt double. I knew well since I made this plan.

When all of us were together, Hades's men were already chasing us. The commotion awoken the citizen's in the underworld, but lucky us we hid in the shadow. Sebastian wrapped my body around him, then teleported us into Levi's house where Eren stayed. Eren was nowhere to be seen, so before we would start anything we went to go find Eren. 

He was nowhere to be seen, it worried us. But there was one place we didn't yet check, Levi's art room. When I opened the door, there he stood looking at the picture Levi had painted. He didn't notice us yet even though the door did a loud creak when I opened it. 

I cleared my throat, getting his attention. When he saw us, he was already crying.

"You guys are back!" He cried, falling down onto his knees. "Earlier than expected."

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