Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten: Witches and Cakes

"My specialty is lacerating flesh. Anyone interested in experiencing my skill first hand, step right up."
- Mikasa 

All that talk about finding Aamon's body was nothing, because this past week was full of laying on the couch and eating. Aamon was being the natural rude and sarcastic bitch, always having something to say. Sebastian was being the bitch he was; and me, I stayed in Levi's room smelling and wearing his clothes. Is that weird, pft no. Okay, maybe.

I like Aamon, and no, not like that. He's very cool, I guess, but I just can't look at him. I just see Levi, and yes that is Aamon in Levi's body. They sound the same and look the same, but they don't act the same at all. 

I hear a knock at the door, but I felt super comfortable in the sheets. Blankets and pillows covered me, they still had his scent. 

"Are you going to open the door or are you sleeping?" Aamon asked, knocking once more. I didn't want to get up, more importantly, I didn't want to look at him. I just stayed in the same position, just looking at the white wall. Everything is the same, so why does it feel so different? 

I got tensed when I heard a loud bang. My curiosity got the better of me, so I sat up. Aamon had kicked the door down, I wanted my privacy. 

"You're fixing it," I say, pointing to the door he stood on.

"I needed to know if you were alive or not, apparently you are. We're heading out, coming along?" I look behind him and Sebastian waited patiently. What a dog. I have cooped myself in this room for about a week, should I stay or go? My best and only choice is to go, because even if I say I would stay, Sebastian would drag me along. Don't know why, but maybe an order, who knows. 

"Get out," I say.

"What? Why? What did we do? You're still--" I stop Aamon from talking.

"I need to change. I look like shit,"



I sat at the back of the car while Sebastian drove and Aamon sat the passenger.

"So, where we going?"

No answer.

"Okay, don't answer me, that's fine," I heaved a sigh, then look out the window. Look at these big ass trees. 

The car ride was really quiet, maybe a sneeze, or a cough, but other than that, it was quiet. Did Sebastian and Aamon get into a fight? Hopefully not, because if they end up getting into a brawl, I can't stop it. They're supernatural beings, they can kill me in an instant. Okay, just thinking of that right now makes me shiver. 

"We're here," Sebastian says, giving the car a halt. 

"Nope, not doing it, never gonna do it," Aamon says, his arms crossed and he stayed seated. I was a confused child, why was he acting this way? Sebastian pop up to the other side of the car, popping the door open, he grabs Aamon. I didn't have a single clue on what was happening, but I didn't want Sebastian smashing my arm into pieces, so I just got out the car myself.

We were in front of a broken down home, well, it look the part. It was an empty field and not long ago I saw nice houses. This house look small and dark, I could feel something strong here, or was it just me? Sebastian saw my discomfort.

"It's fine Eren, the person who lives here is nice," he looked at Aamon and plastered on his face was a sneer. "Well, she's nice to most of us."

"Why do we have to go to Rico?! We could've gone to Mike or even Eld!" Aamon whined.

"You know how Mike is, he wouldn't dare help us. And Eld, he's weak, this mission could kill him. And all you need to do is apologize to Rico, maybe she'll slap you once or twice, but do you really want to be stuck in that body forever?" Sebastian shot back at Aamon. He groaned, whining a bit more.

What's so bad about this Rico? 

After another five minutes of their arguing, they decide to actually make progress. I followed behind them, but once we actually got into Rico's territory, I feel a heavy weight go on me. I couldn't move, I felt if I did, I would instantly fall. I guess Sebastian saw my distress and quickly came to my side. Once he touched me, everything that overpowered me was quickly gone.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine, now,"

He knew what was going on, so he told me to hold onto the tail of his coat. I was surprised he even let me touch it, because he never lets anyone touch it. 

Aamon rung the doorbell. Did I ever tell you guys how impatient Aamon was? After a good ten seconds of waiting until someone opens the door, Aamon rung the doorbell nonstop. It took about three minutes until someone opened the door, a small woman who appeared to be in her late twenties.

"Well, well, well, look who we have here," she said, leaning up against the arch. "Isn't it Aamon the monster?"

"Just Aamon," he replied.

"Did you come to apologize?"

"Hell no you--"

"Aamon," Sebastian warned. Aamon groaned and the woman laughed.

"I'm so sorry for blowing up your laboratory, now can you help us find my body?" Aamon rolled his eyes most of the time while saying that full sentence.

She shook her head. "Apologize about the other thing, too."

"What other--!" Aamon stopped, probably remembering what else he did wrong. "You're kidding, right?"

"Okay, then good bye," she was about to close the door until Aamon stopped her.

"No, wait!" He swings the door open. He looked at the small girl before growling and then groaning. "I am sorry for eating your cake and lying about it for three years."

Sebastian and I narrowed our eyes, these two must be joking, right?  

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